Page 9 - Fall2012
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vaccinated children than the unvac- • 2011 German Study: This study tional survey studies described above it
cinated ( of 8000 unvaccinated children (which is obvious why the allopathic commu-
pdf). included medical documentation of each nity of medical doctors, pharmaceutical
• 1997 New Zealand Study: 1265 case), from newborn to nineteen years, companies and federal agencies have
children were surveyed. The vaccinated revealed that vaccinated children have at failed to publish convincing research―
children experienced episodes of asthma least two to five times more diseases and because they can’t. Vaccines not only
(23 percent) and allergies (30 percent), disorders than unvaccinated children do not confer effective immunity, but
as compared to no asthma or allergy ( they clearly cause serious harm. Further,
incidences in the unvaccinated group new-study-vaccinated-children-have- since none of these longitudinal studies
(Epidemiology, 1997 Nov; 8(6), 678-80). 2-to-5-times-more-diseases-and-disor- conducted in other countries is ever
• 2000 Africa Study: The children ders-than-unvaccinated-children/). picked up by our national mainstream
of 15,000 mothers were observed from In contradistinction, no scien- media, the disinformation goes on, and
1990 to 1996. Results showed that the tific (peer-reviewed, placebo-controlled, children continue to be damaged.
death rate from diphtheria, tetanus, and double-blind) study has ever been Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND
whooping cough in vaccinated children conducted that supports the effective- San Rafael, CA
was twice as high as that in unvacci- ness of vaccinations. Despite the fact
nated children (10.5 percent versus 4.7 that Barbara Loe Fisher, president and For more information on this subject
percent) (British Medical Journal, 2000, co-founder of the National Vaccine see Dr. Williams’s Chapter 15, “The
321: 1435-41). Information Center, and her colleagues Most Profound Holistic Treatment and
• 2004 British Study: 30,000 chil- entreated the CDC, the NIH, and other its Ugly Allopathic Twin,” in her book,
dren were compared. The vaccinated federal agencies to “Show Us the Sci- Radical Medicine, www.radicalmedi-
children had an increased risk of allergic ence” at the second NVIC conference
asthma (5.04 percent) as compared to in 2000, twelve years later no valid sci-
the unvaccinated children (0.36 percent) entific research has yet been published FIGHT FOR HERDSHARES
(American Journal of Public Health, proving the efficacy of vaccines. IN CALIFORNIA
June 2004, Vol 94, No. 6). Given the results of the interna- I’m a thirty-four-year-old home-
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Wise Traditions FALL 2012 FALL 2012 Wise Traditions 9
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