Page 7 - Fall2012
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                sive grazing year-round on the rolling  FOOD SAFETY                    the expenses of being in business. And it
                hills surrounding our home here in     I am a member of the Weston A.  leaves the public at risk for contamina-
                Alberta, Canada. Each year the pasture  Price Foundation and while I agree  tion of food.
                grasses return with increased density  that small business enterprises must be     I thought I would give you a differ-
                and nutrition.                     sustainable, I have been in the catering  ent perspective from someone who has
                    It was commonly known in the  and food manufacturing business for  been in the business. We all want safe
                past that the true taste of beef comes in  over thirty years. There is a very good  food. Get a group of people together and
                around the fourth year. As small family  reason food should be made in a licensed  have a cooperative commercial kitchen.
                farmers, we cannot afford to hold onto  and inspected facility where those  That would be legal and sustainable.
                the animals that long; however, we can  preparing the food have taken the food              Pauli Halstead
                verify that a consistent, delicious, sweet  handlers’ safety course. Not everyone   Nevada City, California
                taste in the beef is possible at around the  who has a home kitchen knows how to
                third year.                        keep all the surfaces sterile nor are they  Thank you for your thoughts on this sub-
                    We’ve eliminated the chemical and  likely to wash their hands often and  ject. Our view is that regulations should
                hormonal loading by raising the animals  clean their utensils and cutting boards  be size-specific. It is not expensive for
                organically and removed the acidic load-  properly. Also, in food manufactur-  the home pickler to take a food handling
                ing by not including any grain in their  ing and preparing, the law states that  course, but extremely expensive to set
                diet. The net result is an experience of  manufacturers use good manufacturing  up a commercial kitchen, something
                the true taste of the meat.        principles to make sure there is no cross-  that is not necessary for a product as
                    The fat, the bone broth and the deli-  contamination of allergens (these can be  inherently safe as homemade pickles.
                cious meat all contribute greatly to our  airborne) which will infiltrate the food
                family’s welfare and the welfare of the  you are preparing.            FOOD IN ROMANIA
                beautiful families we serve.           Also, it is important that food be     My wife and I can certainly empa-
                    You may be interested to know that  stored in proper containers and at least  thize with Daniela Schmidt’s concerns
                we organically grow pastured, soy-free  six inches off the floor.      over what has happened to the diet of
                chicken and turkeys as well. I am proud     Other pathogenic bacteria which  the people of Romania (Winter, 2011)
                of the fact that my husband persisted and  may be floating around the kitchen or  and the similar progression of events
                insisted on soy-free, despite being told  be on your kitchen counter surfaces  in the U.S., as creeping totalitarianism
                that it was impossible to raise soy-free  may get into the prepared food. It is well  seeks to deprive us even (one might say
                poultry. He spent a great deal of time  known that the home kitchen sink has  especially) of our inferred right—nay,
                consulting with poultry nutritionists to  more bacteria than your bathroom toilet.  ability—to feed ourselves and our fami-
                come up with a formula that we’re happy     When I was in the catering business  lies as we see fit.
                with. In addition, our friends are using  in Napa I had a twelve-hundred-square-     We were in Bulgaria (neighbor to
                the soy-free formula, and we have the  foot commercial kitchen. I rented half of  Romania) about eight years ago to visit
                great advantage of gorgeous eggs from  it out to another caterer and a taco truck.  friends and family. Everywhere we went
                their pastured, organic, soy-free hens!  Taco trucks now have to prepare their  the food was excellent. I had one of the
                    Thank you and all of those associ-  food in an inspected kitchen for good  best tripe soups (and I’ve had many) of
                ated with the Foundation for the critical  reason. Yes, all this does cost money.  my life in a dingy little cafeteria, (now
                contributions you are making toward the  People in the food industry have to pay  gone) near the Women’s Market in Sofia.
                restoration of healthy families.   for licensing, rent and liability insur-  Traditional Bulgarian cuisine puts a very
                      Maighread Axe, Chapter Leader  ance. All this is expensive. I do not feel  high value on organ meats and they were
                          Terra Caritatis Patris Farm  it is fair for people to be able to prepare  available in their many forms in every
                        Clandonald, Alberta, Canada  their product at home just to circumvent  restaurant in which we ate.
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                             7

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