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the Weston a. PriCe                            President’s Message

                         Foundation         ®

                       Education  Research  Activism
                   BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                    Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President and Treasurer
                    Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN, Vice President      Science looks at the individual nutrients and components of food,
                    Geoffrey Morell, ND, JP, Secretary
                    Sarah Pope, Recording Secretary        with little or no appreciation for the whole, for the complexities of
                    Tom Cowan, MD                          nature. In fact, the reductionist view of mainstream scientists today
                    Cherie Calvert
                    Valerie Cury Joyner                    holds that imitation foods can be created out of commodity ingredi-
                    Michael Schmidt
                                                           ents―soy, corn, seed oils, sugar, milk powders―and then "enriched"
                   BOARD MEMBER EMERITUS                   with synthetic vitamins to produce something that is as healthy as the
                    Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS
                                                           real thing. Such foods will in fact save mankind, they assert, because
                   GENERAL COUNSEL                         there is not enough real food to nourish our growing population, and
                    James Turner, Esq.
                                                           even if there were, such foods cause heart disease, cancer and many
                   HONORARY BOARD
                    Jen Allbritton, BS, CN                 other ills.
                    Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH                    This view becomes more and more untenable the more we learn
                    Marie A. Bishop, CDC
                    Jerry Brunetti                         about the synergies of life systems. Chris Masterjohn's article in this
                    Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD           issue (page 15) provides just a few examples of how nutrients work
                    Lee Clifford, MS, CCN
                    Christapher Cogswell, MA               together in complex ways to support good health.
                    Monica Corrado
                    Janice Curtin                              We are a civilization in decline, due mostly to the view that in-
                    Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN             dustrial foods are cleaner, more efficient, more convenient and even
                    William Campbell Douglass, MD
                    Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS            healthier than real food. Nature is viewed as something to be feared, so
                    James A. Duke, PhD                     science tries to protect us from threats like germs, sunlight, cholesterol
                    Carol Esche, DNP, MA, RN, CNA
                    Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD                  and saturated fat. Until we realize that we are embedded in nature, that
                    Ruth Ann Foster, MA
                    Donna Gates, BS, MEd                   natural processes support and protect us, we will continue down the
                    Nicholas Gonzalez, MD                  smooth, wide highway of industrialism in food and agriculture, looking
                    Trauger Groh
                    Joann S. Grohman                       to modern medicine for easy cures, but sliding inexorably into infertil-
                    Barry Anthony Groves                   ity and disease nevertheless. There will be survivors, of course; those
                    Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA
                    Mark A. Kastel                         who return to the wise culinary traditions of our ancestors―a process
                    Larry Klein
                    Fred Kummerow, PhD                     I call the Natural Selection of the Wise.
                    Felix Liao, DDS                            There will be plenty of delicious real food at Wise Traditions 2012,
                    Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon)
                    Judith McGeary, Esq.                   our 13th annual conference―we now refer to it as an international
                    Carlos Monteiro                        conference―to be held November 8-12 in Santa Clara, California. The
                    Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM
                    David Morris, BS, DC                   menus will feature wild seafood, grass-fed meats and dairy products
                    Kathryne Pirtle, BS, MA
                    Jessica Prentice                       and delicious local produce. And since we will be in California, raw
                    Bruce Rind, MD                         dairy products will be on sale in the exhibit hall.
                    Sir Julian Rose, BT
                    Julia Ross, MA                             We have a wonderful slate of over forty-five speakers, many of
                    Beverly Rubik, BS, PhD
                    Adrienne Samuels, PhD                  them new, plus tried-and-true old favorites. This year's conference will
                    Ron Schmid, ND                         feature tracks on Nutrition and Behavior on both Saturday and Sunday,
                    Andreas Schuld
                    Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD      plus tracks on Local Farmers, Native Ways, Wise Entrepreneurs and
                    C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD                 the Frontiers of Science. We always have one track on nutrition, and
                    Ted Spence, DDS, ND
                    Rebecca L. Stearns, LAc, DAc           this year is no exception, featuring a fantastic lineup of speakers on
                    Alana Sugar, CN
                    Krispin Sullivan, CN                   vitamins and minerals.
                    Beverly B. Teter, PhD, FACN, CNS           Registrations are selling fast and there is the possibility that we
                    John Umlauf
                    Susun S. Weed                          might sell out, so if you are planning to attend, don't delay in signing
                    David Wetzel, BS                       up. For details, see pages 27-29. We look forward to another wonderful
                    Bruce West, DC
                    Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND         conference and to seeing many of you there!
               2                                          Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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