Page 3 - Fall2012
P. 3
HIGH IN THE ANDES GAPS CONCERNS In 2009, I personally got swept
I am in the high Andes, in Cusco, I am concerned about the Founda- away in the low-carb wave, and by the
Peru, which has a pretty big tourist tion’s endorsement of the GAPS diet, spring of 2010, was battling fatigue,
population. I wanted to share what I see which has pushed the Carb Wars further depression, hair loss, dry skin and
in the market here. Not only chicken in the low-carb direction. People appear menstrual problems. My son's anxiety
feet, but the snouts of cows, steer heads, to be making the illogical conclusion returned, and my kids have since not
testicles, and every part inside and out that because it is effective for some been as healthy as they were in 2007 and
of an animal you can imagine. A friend children with autism, not only is it good 2008, on a well-rounded WAPF-inspired
told me as a child, they used to eat sheep for all kids with autism, but it will cure way of eating. All the broth and liver in
eyes boiled. everything. the world did not make up for the effects
There are fresh cheeses, butter, ex- In 2006, I successfully treated my of the lost glucose. We are still recover-
otic fruits, several varieties of ing from that experiment!
quinoa and amaranth. They sell WAPF is a non-profit organiza-
an edible lupin seed that looks tion. I believe its most important
like a lentil but bigger; it is contributions are in the areas of
white and does not have much connecting consumers with local,
flavor but it is high in protein. nourishing foods, underscoring
You can choose from hundreds the importance of animal foods
of varieties of potatoes. I met and saturated fats in the diet,
a man on the street who sells and highlighting the destructive
yogurt from leche fresca, raw effects of food additives. Those
milk, which is not available in recommendations alone have the
the grocery stores. potential to make a great impact
Today we went to a small on the health of any individual.
village and met a woman who Unfortunately, I think a lot of the
had a few little girls hanging chapter leaders are in the health
around her, all with beautiful business and are thus biased,
teeth. I asked her what the more apt to follow trends, or
children ate. She said they ate recommend things that worked
corn, wheat, quinoa and guinea for them personally, without un-
pig―the whole animal. They derstanding that there may be no
gut the little rodent and cook it with the own autistic son in the context of a well- universal solutions. Quite a few of them
head and teeth on. Then they do vari- rounded WAPF diet, which included are demonizing carbohydrates. Many
ous things to prepare the viscera. But fruit, maple syrup, honey, Rapadura, benefit from the client base attracted by
as commercialism has taken hold you raw milk and soaked grains, so I don't the Foundation. All of the "Real Food
can see the maxillas of these beauti- see the utility of GAPS for all autism Bloggers" (like the ones who try a diet
ful people changing, especially in the spectrum disorders. From my online on the bestseller list because it men-
city dwellers. There are dentist offices forum experience and as a past chapter tions Green Pasture's cod liver oil) and
everywhere. leader, I have endless feedback from tangentially-related health professionals
Ann Oldham Michael people who think that GAPS is a pana- definitely affect the direction the orga-
Coyhaique, Chile cea rather than a temporary therapeutic nization is trying to take. People turn
approach. to these sources to recreate the kind of
Wise Traditions FALL 2012 FALL 2012 Wise Traditions 3
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