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Wise Traditions

                                     in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                                                             a publication of
                                               the Weston a. PriCe Foundation           ®
                    Volume 13 Number 3                                                                   Fall 2012

                FEATURES                                             All Thumbs Book Reviews        Page 53

                Synergies                      Page 15                   Deep Nutrition
                Chris Masterjohn, PhD, explains how                      Herbal Antibiotics
                nutrients work together                                  Prepared Family Guide to Uncommon Diseases

                                                                         How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol
                California's Ancient Cornucopia    Page 30               Living as Nature Intended
                M. Kat Anderson and Jennifer House describe              The Starch Solution
                the fascinating dietary habits of California Indians     The Emperor's New Drugs

                Save Your Bacon                Page 38               Tim's DVD Reviews              Page 66
                Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, gives us the inside           Tim Boyd reviews the latest videos
                scoop on this gateway meat
                                                                     Food Feature                     Page 69
                                                                     Dori Oliver on flavored kombucha
                President’s Message              Page 2              Soy Alert                        Page 73
                Real Food                                            Kaayla Daniel, PhD, on fake, soy-based bacon

                Letters                         Page 3               Legislative Update                 Page 75
                                                                     Judith McGeary, Esq, on the farm bill
                Caustic Commentary             Page 11 and other legislative concerns
                Sally Fallon Morell challenges
                the Diet Dictocrats                                  A Campaign for Real Milk        Page 80
                                                                     Mark McAfee on the role of the
                From the Archives               Page 47 Raw Milk Institute
                A 1928 article describes how a high-fat
                diet protects against tooth decay                    Raw Milk Updates                Page 85

                Homeopathy Journal             Page 50               Healthy Baby Gallery              Page 87
                Joette Calabrese describes a remedy                  Local Chapters                   Page 89
                for bad behavior

                                                                     Shop Heard ‘Round the World     Page 103

                                                                     Membership                      Page 128
                                                                     Upcoming Events                Page 129

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