Page 6 - Fall2012
P. 6
others who have vitiligo to investigate followers through my tags but am hard WISDOM TEETH
the WAPF principles and diatomaceous pressed to find others to follow and learn WAPF nutrition advice has brought
earth to potentially ameliorate their own from as they are not tagging. me many benefits over the years, and
conditions. I want to thank you for the I wanted to suggest that on the while it may be coincidence, my wisdom
work you are doing, because it is amaz- website and in the next Wise Traditions teeth erupted in my mid-thirties, even
ing how the “incurable” is being cured publication the Foundation encourages though in my early twenties they had
through the simple act of detoxifying users of this social app to tag their pho- been X-rayed and found to be impacted.
and eating nourishing traditional foods. tos as I have done above so that we can My dentist refused to believe me when
Nicole Hoover easily find each other. You have no idea I told him my last wisdom tooth was
McCandless, Pennsylvania the amazing reaction I get when I post growing in at age thirty-six
photos of my beautifully jellied chicken Sylvia Anders
TAGGING WAPF foot stock being mixed into banana muf- Adelaide, South Australia
I spend a lot of time on Instagram, fins for my girls. Let me know if there is
a social media app for iPhone and someone else I should share this with! GRASS-FED AND FAT
Android. It is a platform that allows Ilana Grostern Thank you for acknowledging the
for photo exchange and I am very at- Montreal, Quebec, Canada possibility of excellent fat production
tracted to it as a means of learning and from organically raised grass-fed (no
of sharing ideas. Most of my posts are Thank you Ilana, we have added your grain) beef. In addition to the beautiful
food related, and most employ WAPF suggestion to the information on WAPF exterior fat, we consistently experience
principles, and I tag them with #wapf on the web, below. a generous amount of white marbling
and #westonaprice. I have gained new within the meat. We do managed inten-
WAPF on the WEB
WEBSITE: Thank you for visiting our website and online ordering page! Please be sure to log in to order, renew or donate
online. All the articles are free for anyone to read. We invite you to search all the tabs for endless information and ask that
you tell others about our site.
TWITTER and FACEBOOK:, We have a Spanish language page,
too: We also have several campaigns, and facebook.
com/soyalert, plus Facebook is a wonderful outreach tool. Please be sensitive to newbies!
YOUTUBE & Flickr:,
BLIP TV: These are longer format videos such as our press conference on the USDA Dietary Guidelines
and Farmageddon panel discussions.
BLOGS: See blogs by Chris Masterjohn, PhD and Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD at Our publicist, Kimberly
Hartke blogs at For nutrient-dense recipes, subscribe to
ALEXA WEBSITE RATINGS: is rated fourth among nutrition websites at (see
topsites/category/Top/Health/Nutrition.) Please visit the site and post a comment about our website. You can help raise our
rating by visiting our website frequently and linking to it from your own website, Facebook page or blog.
INSTAGRAM: Users of Instagram, please tag your posts with #WAPF and #westonaprice.
6 Wise Traditions FALL 2012 FALL 2012 Wise Traditions
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