Page 5 - Fall2012
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                hear much about cancer and various  fer was to “bleach” all of my skin with  approximately 60 percent of the vitiligo
                diseases prior to the 1900s?”      drugs (like Michael Jackson). Instead I  on my legs has disappeared! It has also
                    Your materials have been a great  resigned myself to covering up and had  begun to disappear on my abdomen and
                help to me in confirming my childhood  low self-esteem. My mother has lived  my arms also. (My optometrist has also
                instincts about modern versus tradi-  with horrendous guilt for almost thirty  observed that my eyesight is improving
                tional life. And without a doubt I have  years because she did not take a drug  and now she is curious about raw milk.)
                met the kindest people through WAPF,  which would have allegedly prevented     I don’t know whether this is due to
                people willing to share even more,  my condition.                      one specific food or the combination of
                which further reinforces Weston Price’s     I started drinking raw milk and  WAPF eating or the diatomaceous earth
                observations on the friendly personali-  eating traditional WAPF foods in the  detox. I must confess to not having a
                ties of primitives on native diets.   summer of 2011, and in August began  scientific approach in this, because I
                    What prompted me to write to you  adding a spoonful of diatomaceous earth  am so excited to see these improve-
                today is an “incurable” auto-immune  in a glass of water each night to help  ments and will keep doing more of the
                disease, vitiligo, in which your skin  detoxify. Then it happened in the late  same—maybe, one day, it will go away
                develops white spots. I have a very se-  fall that I noticed my legs looking tanner  completely? If the skin is the “window”
                vere case. Doctors told my family that  than usual. The vitiligo, which once ran  into a body’s health, I’m encouraged that
                my skin had “died” there and that there  down my legs from knee to toe, devel-  my whole body must be healing.
                was no cure—the best they could of-  oped a “lacey” edge of tan color. Now     I hope this testimony will encourage

                                         LETTER FROM MARK MCAFEE OF ORGANIC PASTURES DAIRY

                  Dear Eco Labs,

                      Your company came highly recommended as a source of advice and also chemicals. We operate California's larg-
                  est raw milk dairy, raw milk brand and creamery near Fresno, California. We will buy tens of thousands of dollars of
                  chemicals this year and we would like Eco Labs to be our vender.
                      A few weeks ago we had Joe Tomas, an Eco Labs representative, come visit our facilities to orient him and get our
                  account established. When we went to order our first chemicals, the Eco Labs representative expressed his apologies
                  and said that Eco Labs refuses to service a “raw milk dairy or creamery.”
                      This is simply unacceptable. In California, raw milk is 100 percent legal and state inspected. Raw milk is sold in
                  four hundred stores and is an emerging and growing market. Raw milk does not cause lactose intolerance and does not
                  trigger asthma, yet Eco Labs refuses to service a growing organic raw milk brand at Organic Pastures Dairy. There have
                  been zero deaths from raw milk in the last forty years. According to the CDC, pasteurized milk and pasteurized cheese
                  have killed at least seventy people since 1973 (including the Jalisco incident in 1985).
                      This is full blown discrimination. Please address this issue and respond to me directly. If this is not corrected, we
                  will address this discrimination with a well-written letter to our huge Facebook following and we will let the consumers
                  know all about how Eco Labs hates raw milk. We also know that Eco Labs services many of the processors in California
                  and nationally. It would be nice if Eco Labs could appreciate how these same processors have robbed the farmers blind
                  and created lactose intolerance in broad swaths of the consuming market—not to mention the several kids that have
                  died from drinking pasteurized milk and suffered an allergic response and could not be saved by paramedics.

                  Mark McAfee, Founder OPDC
                  Fresno, California

                  Editor's Note: Mark was able to find the chemicals he needs for his ultra-clean dairy operation through another company.
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                             5

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