Page 4 - Fall2012
P. 4


               support they get at local chapter meet-  mission, from what I could tell when  It means that I thought my balsamic
               ings. Their well-marketed messages, in  I originally joined, was especially to  dressing all these years was olive oil
               the interest of attracting hits, advertisers  prevent the malnourishment of mothers  and vinegar―when in fact, it was not.
               and clients, are becoming louder than  and children, and thus, I cannot under-  It means I thought I was eating healthy
               the organization's message.        stand why so many "volunteers" would  salads when I ate out―when in fact, I
                   While Price himself discovered  advocate the use of a diet that promotes  was not. This surely must have been
               healthy individuals all over the world  ketosis, specifically in this population.   going on for several years. I am from
               eating many different types of foods in     I think if the organization is going  Marin, and just got reminded that Marin
               different combinations, chapter leaders,  to support the use of the GAPS diet for  has the highest breast cancer rate in the
               bloggers and Paleo gurus are spreading  "curing" all these health problems, at  nation. Coincidence?
               the message that "carboydrates feed  the very least, its safety during preg-     The problem is, I frequently go on
               yeast, fructose causes fatty liver disease,  nancy and breastfeeding needs to be  work lunches and have to eat something.
               and glucose spikes insulin!" This type of  investigated before harm befalls unborn  Ideally I want to carry my own dressing.
               fear, coupled with the rapid weight loss  children.                    But my business companions and col-
               one experiences on a low-carb diet, is               Amy Lewark, MS    leagues might be embarrassed by this.
               driving people to try extreme diets in the   Ohio University Neurobiology '99  It's one thing to embarrass your own
               name of improving their health, rather             Loveland, Colorado  children, and quite another to embarrass
               than taking a balanced approach.                                       your boss, colleague or important clients
                   GAPS, for a person who is still  Your points are very well taken. The  who pay your wages (although I admit,
               struggling on a well-rounded WAPF  GAPS diet is a difficult and temporary  on many occasions I've managed to do
               diet, looks like the perfect solution. The  diet to use in situations where the WAPF  both). Any salad solutions?
               basic tenet that glucose fuels a healthy  dietary guidelines are not working. Be-       Sushama Gokhale
               metabolism via mitochondria and opti-  cause it is a detoxifying diet, it should      Larkspur, California
               mal thyroid function is now overlooked.  never be used during pregnancy and
               Somehow we've made this all about the  lactation.                      The only solution is to carry a small
               intestine, and for folks who are unfamil-                              bottle of olive oil in your purse and
               iar with the context of a whole organism,  OLIVE OIL SCAM              discreetly request that the restaurant
               these scientific arguments are difficult to     I have checked in practically ev-  make up the dressing for you. It may be
               sort out. I got sucked into it, too. Scien-  ery restaurant I have eaten at in San  embarrassing, but it may also open up
               tists are fallible. They make mistakes in  Francisco in the last few months. These  a constructive conversation with your
               their research and in their conclusions.  restaurants range from the very posh  colleagues.
               The idea that there is a perfect solution  to the very inexpensive. Nearly all of
               at all is a logical fallacy in itself.  them use either soybean oil exclusively,  CURING VITILIGO
                   I suspect that these low-carb ap-  or soybean oil mixed with a smidgen of     I found WAPF in March 2011 at
               proaches do not support hormonal health  olive oil (so they can claim it's olive oil)  a conference in Pittsburgh supporting
               in menstruating, pregnant, or nursing  in their salad dressings. When asked,  local farmers. I was encouraged to dis-
               women. Furthermore, the safety of the  the wait staff has always been the most  cover that WAPF held the same values as
               GAPS diet during pregnancy and breast-  honest. The owners just lie (I know this  I held: even in my teenage years I would
               feeding has not been established. Preg-  because they get shifty when asked, and  look at modern society and ask myself,
               nancy ketosis in animals is analogous  because they are frequently also chefs  “If these things (drugs, processed foods,
               to toxemia in pregnancy, and can be  who are well aware they are using an  etc.) are as 'necessary' now as people
               induced by simply reducing a pregnant  inferior oil).                  claim, how did humans survive for thou-
               animal's feed ration. This organization's     This is distressing on many counts.  sands of years? And why do you never
               4                                          Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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