Page 87 - Fall2012
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Healthy Baby Gallery

                                WAPF baby Anders Ross arrived ten days before his due date
                               and weighed nine and one-half pounds! He was born at home
                               after a three-hour labor. He never developed cradle cap, acne
                                  or any of the other baby health issues and only ever spit up
                              around five times—and all five times after his mother attended
                              holiday parties and indulged in sugary foods. Anders is now ten
                                 months old and his favorite foods include buffalo, steak and
                                      kombucha. Anders has never been sick and is a highly
                                                    intelligent, happy and sweet little guy.

                                                 Weston Sage Alberlan is pictured here at eight and one-half months and thirty
                                                 pounds. Still almost exclusively breastfed, he is shown sampling one of his favorite
                                                 foods—dirt. Mom spent many years recovering her health with whole, organic,
                                                 traditional foods after an over-medicated first birth experience. Her diet during
                                                 pregnancy consisted of lots of pastured organic eggs, raw grass-fed milk, grass-fed
                                                 beef, organic pork and chicken, organic and fermented fruits and veggies, and
                                                 sprouted grains. Mom was impressed that after eating (and eating, and eating!)
                                                 these foods (and going easy on sugar and gluten), baby Weston weighed over
                                                 nine pounds at birth, over one pound smaller than her first son. Weston is even-
                                                 tempered, healthy with no vaccinations, and has achieved early and effortless
                                                 milestones. Mom and Dad both want to thank the Weston A. Price Foundation for
                                                 providing the information that has allowed them to build a happy, healthy family.

                      At almost ten months, WAPF baby Sylvie Kastning couldn't be healthier! In
                   fact, mom's chiropractor looked at her spine and felt her gut and said she has
                   never seen such a healthy gut (by feel).  She asked what I was doing and I told
                      her about WAPF.  She had not heard of WAPF, but was in total agreement
                   with how awful grains are for babies.  She was eager to get more info and tell
                     all her mom patients!  And she made sure to tell me to keep doing what I'm
                             doing! Thank you for helping me raise a healthy and happy baby!

                                                      Logan George Laber arrived without a hitch at home. He was built on
                                                      grass-finished meats, lots of bacon, eggs, pastured butter, fermented
                                                      cod liver oil, sauerkraut and coconut oil. Mom was adjusted throughout
                                                      pregnancy and experienced an efficient six-hour labor. He was adjusted
                                                      the day he was born and regularly since, having two chiropractors
                                                      for parents. His first food was egg yolk with bone broth at about six
                                                      months and he did great! A happy and healthy babe!

                  Please send photos of healthy babies to Liz Pitfield at
                  Photos must be labeled with the baby's first and last name and accompanied by an email with text.
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