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play three essential pieces of information about     This is huge progress and signals a “cease fire” in the CDFA attack
                their operations. That information includes:  against the California family cow and local consumption and sale of
                                                          raw milk. RAWMI has been a part of the development of the voluntary
                1.  The farmer's story and website.       self-certification standards that were drawn up at the working group, but
                2.  A copy of their RAMP food safety plan  RAWMI still appears to be an outsider for some micro-dairies because of
                    showing the “Grass to Glass” efforts that  the distrust for political process that so many of the family cow operations
                    they make to assure the very best raw milk  have had with state regulators. Some would rather hide than engage. As
                    possible.                             time passes more and more of the California small dairies are changing
                3.  Raw milk bacteria counts and testing results.  their attitudes and RAWMI is becoming more of a resource as transpar-
                                                          ency and food safety become more essential in the relationship between
                    This type of transparency is something  farmer and consumer.
                that consumers have been quietly demanding     In other states this political dynamic appears to be a reflection of
                for years. It is also a way for the hard work and  the local situation. In Oregon there is little or no hesitancy to engage and
                efforts of the farmer to be displayed and appreci-  become transparent.
                ated. When one hundred dairies are listed and
                showing their data, the FDA will have a pretty  FOOD SAFETY IS THE FUTURE
                darn hard time denying the cold clean raw milk     Food safety and testing are all new to most micro-dairies. Time and
                facts.                                    demonstrated RAWMI utility will change things. I can imagine a time
                                                          when raw milk dairies will brag about their RAWMI testing numbers
                CALIFORNIA                                and RAWMI will become a place to read consumer raw milk testimonials
                    It is interesting that not all localities have  that are FDA-banned at their own farmers' websites. RAWMI portal data
                embraced RAWMI. In California, for instance,  will become something you take to your bank or your insurance agent for
                the political climate for micro-dairies has been  access to lower premiums. RAWMI portal data will be a household refer-
                less than inviting. In fact the situation in Califor-  ence point for consumers seeking to learn about their food sources. We
                nia is dynamic and changing. In 2013, a bill will  should all work to accomplish this as a goal. It will be good for farmers,
                be introduced in California to legalize the sale  consumers, cows, the earth and America.
                of raw milk off the farm as long as the farmer     The evidence collected by RAWMI is irrefutable and everyone, even
                has three or fewer cows and sells to the final  our government, will be able to review and see the facts for themselves.
                consumer directly off of the farm.        RAWMI is a market builder and teaching organization.
                    The draft is not final, but the content has     Market building and teaching are the two most effective tools that can
                pretty much already been negotiated with all the  be used against the highly corrupt pasteurized milk commodity systems
                powers in charge. This happened as a result of  that ignore consumer health, raw milk test data, CDC and NIH research
                the efforts of the “CDFA Small Herd Working  science and farmer sustainability. After all, the processors love a farmer
                Group” and the engagement and work of CDFA,  that sells them milk at below cost.
                Department of Public Health and the state vet     It has been said that things are cheaper if you can steal them. That is ex-
                along with cow share owners and yes, RAWMI  actly the paradigm of thought that runs through the minds and checkbooks
                was at all seven of the meetings.         of modern day processors and their dairy farm-killing, allergy-causing,

                                                 THE WISCONSIN RAW MILK ASSOCIATION

                      The Wisconsin Raw Milk Association (WRMA) ( is a small grassroots group
                  of farmers and consumers committed to changing the raw milk laws in Wisconsin.   The WRMA is presently working to
                  pass a law legalizing the sale of raw milk and raw milk products, while ensuring a safe supply.
                      The Wisconsin Raw Milk Association is actively negotiating to get legislation introduced and passed that would legalize
                  on-farm sales of raw milk. This would not only make on farm sales legal but would also further protect private food clubs.
                  There are only a handful of producers, a small number of consumers and one lobbyist doing this work. The opposition
                  has many lobbyists and financial supporters, a well-developed marketing campaign, an apathetic public, DATCP, public
                  health professionals and the despotic federal agencies.
                      Andrew Mastrocola, Jefferson/Waukesha Chapter Leader, and others are spending much time and their own limited
                  money to help this situation.  They are calling for help.  If you are able to donate to their efforts, see

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