Page 81 - Fall2012
P. 81
of a farmer's hard work and efforts are found in 2. A review by farmers nationally and inter- Each farm
the quality of the water source, the temperatures nationally.
reached during cleaning, the feeds given to the 3. A review by the California Secretary of and location
cows, the bacteria counts of their finished prod- Agriculture Small Herd Working Group is different
ucts and so many more things that cannot be members, which included the Department of and those
easily appreciated from the outside looking in. Public Health, the California Department of
Food and Agriculture (CDFA) state vet, and differences
THE RIGHT MESSAGE members of the County Health Department are embraced
At first, many raw milk farmers saw RAW- Medical Directors, as well as many small by RAWMI.
MI as big brother coming to regulate raw milk dairy operators.
producers and tell everyone what to do and how
to do it. RAWMI was initially not welcomed The RAWMI Common Standards were of-
and in fact it was shunned by many. RAWMI ficially published by the RAWMI directors in
learned from this speed-bump and made some July 2012. The Common Standards are unique
modifications to its voice and its mission. Instead because they do not mandate how a farmer
of being the “responsible voice of raw milk,” must produce raw milk. Instead, the Common
RAWMI became “a tool and resource for raw Standards set the standard for how all raw milk
milk producers.” This worked―invitations to should measure when produced properly using
mentor and help farmers started to flow in. whatever production systems that the farmer
may choose, depending on the size and loca-
RAWMI STANDARDS tion of the operations. Each farm and location
After working for more than eight months, is different and those differences are embraced
RAWMI completed a vetting process that in- by RAWMI. The Common Standards also go
cluded: beyond any other standards and mandate that
each farm develop and follow its own food safety
1. A review of the RAWMI Common Stan- plan to achieve success consistently. Each plan
dards by members of the RAWMI executive is different and reflects the farmer’s innovations,
advisory board. location, conditions and size.
Charlotte Smith (left) of
Champoeg Creamery in
Oregon, first RAWMI listed
raw milk farmer, pictured
here with Mark McAfee
(center) and Blaine McAfee
Wise Traditions FALL 2012 FALL 2012 Wise Traditions 81
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