Page 77 - Fall2012
P. 77

contains a genetically engineered ingredient.  amendment requires the USDA to submit a report
                State efforts to require labeling of genetically-  to Congress on what needs to be done to meet
                engineered foods have been met with threats  the needs of small processors. Although it’s nar-
                that the biotech industry will sue any state that  rower than we had hoped for, it can be used to
                dares pass such a law, and the Sanders Amend-  lay the groundwork for more reforms in the next
                ment would have explicitly recognized that states  legislative session.
                are not limited by federal law on this issue. The
                Sanders amendment would also have required  ANIMAL ID
                the FDA and USDA to provide a report within     Many WAPF members responded to the alert
                the next two years to specify how much of our  to call their congressman to express their opposi-
                country’s food and beverages contain genetically  tion to the USDA’s new animal ID rule―thank
                engineered ingredients.                   you! Although Congress did not cut the funding
                    The following Senators voted yes: Akaka  for the program, the calls triggered several of-
                (D-HI); Begich (D-AK); Bennet (D-CO);  fices to inquire more about the issue and raise
                Blumenthal (D-CT); Boxer (D-CA); Cantwell  concerns with the Office of Management and
                (D-WA); Cardin (D-MD); Feinstein (D-CA);  Budget (OMB). At the same time, a coalition
                Inouye (D-HI); Johnson (D-SD); Kerry (D-MA);  of organizations is also urging OMB to send
                Lautenberg (D-NJ); Leahy (D-VT); Lieberman  the rule back to USDA on the grounds that the
                (ID-CT); Manchin (D-WV); Merkley (D-OR);  agency has not addressed the real costs. We met
                Mikulski (D-MD); Murkowski (R-AK); Murray  with OMB staff in late June for a face-to-face
                (D-WA); Reed (D-RI); Rockefeller (D-WV);  discussion, and sixty-two organizations then sent
                Sanders (I-VT); Tester (D-MT); Udall (D-NM);  a joint letter as follow-up. See page 78 for a few
                Whitehouse (D-RI); Wyden (D-OR).          excerpts.
                    Several other amendments that WAPF asked     Typically, if OMB does not raise concerns
                you to call about were blocked before coming to  about the costs or regulatory burdens imposed,
                a vote. This was bad news for Senator Tester’s  a rule is finalized within ninety days after being
                Seeds and Breeds Amendment (guaranteeing  sent to the OMB. At the time this article goes to
                funding for non-GMO research) and Senator  press, over one hundred twenty days have passed
                Paul’s Raw Milk Amendment (removing the ban  since USDA sent the animal ID rule to OMB for
                on interstate transport of raw milk). However, it  review, and it has not yet been finalized. Under
                was good news when it came to Senator Fein-  federal law, the OMB is not allowed to say more
                stein’s amendment to impose new regulations  than the simple fact that the rule is going through
                on laying hen operations, which WAPF opposed.  the interagency review process, but the delay
                Although we recognize the problems with the  indicates that OMB is looking closely at some  Many WAPF

                factory farm conditions, Feinstein’s bill could  of the issues we raised.            members
                have unintended consequences for pastured
                poultry farmers due to labeling and euthanasia  LABELING GMO’S:                      responded to
                provisions.                               THE CALIFORNIA BALLOT INITIATIVE           the alert to
                    On the House side, we knew the House      With state legislatures and governors cav-  call their
                Agriculture Committee would be generally dif-  ing to pressure from biotech companies, the
                ficult for our issues, and the committee’s version  tactic of taking the issue straight to the voters   congressman
                of the bill includes several damaging provisions:  has become one of the few hopes for mandatory  to express
                essentially conceding to WTO pressure on  labeling of genetically engineered foods. Cali-  their
                County-of-Origin Labeling, undermining live-  fornia Proposition 37 would require clear labels
                stock market reforms, and fast-tracking approval  letting consumers know if foods are genetically   opposition to
                of new genetically engineered crops. However,  modified and barring companies from labeling  the USDA’s
                on the one amendment that WAPF supported,  foods that contain GMO’s as “natural.”    new animal
                the committee did adopt a pared-down version,     Unsurprisingly, companies like Monsanto
                Representative Chellie Pingree’s amendment to  and DuPont and their trade associations are fight-  ID rule―
                help small-scale slaughterhouses. The approved  ing the proposition tooth and nail. Conventional  thank you!

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