Page 75 - Fall2012
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Legislative Updates

                                              POLICY UPDATE: FARM BILL AND GMOS
                                                        By Judith McGeary, Esq.

                    As many people predicted, it’s looking more  House would have to vote on the final compro-
                and more likely that the 2012 Farm Bill will actu-  mise, this messy process would skip the step
                ally be the 2013 Farm Bill. But the congressional  where members of the House who are not on the
                saga is not yet done for the year.        Agriculture Committee would have a chance to
                                                          amend the bill. Congress might also pass a short-
                STALLED BILL                              term extension, just long enough to get past the
                    The Senate passed its version of the Farm  election, and take the Farm Bill up during a lame
                Bill in June, and the House Agriculture Com-  duck session.
                mittee passed its version of the bill in mid-July.
                The next step in a normal process would be for  FARM BILL ISSUES
                the full House to vote on the committee version,     Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that
                and then for the House and Senate to choose a  should be amended in the House agriculture
                conference committee to reconcile their versions  committee version. From gutting what little
                of the bill. However, with the election looming,  regulation currently exists for genetically engi-
                the House leadership decided to avoid holding  neered crops, to effectively abandoning country-
                a vote on the floor of the House in July. For the  of-origin labeling, the House bill is an ugly mess.
                leadership, the problem was that the House might  How many of these flaws could get fixed on the
                have actually voted down the bill, not to mention  House floor or during conference committee is
                the prospect of ugly fights over amendments.  far from clear.
                Some Democrats will oppose the bill because     Nonetheless, several sustainable agriculture

                of the deep cuts it makes in nutrition programs  organizations are pushing hard for Congress to   Judith McGeary
                like SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) and  pass a Farm Bill this year. The reason is that   is the Austin, Texas
                some conservative Republicans will oppose it  an extension of the 2008 Farm Bill would not   chapter leader, an
                                                                                                      attorney and
                because those cuts aren’t deeper.         cover several programs for beginning farmers,   small farmer in
                    The current Farm Bill (passed in 2008) does  conservation and organic production, so these   Austin, and the
                not expire until September 30th, so it is theoreti-  programs would lapse completely. These orga-  executive director of
                cally possible for Congress to finish this process  nizations have prioritized saving these programs   the Farm and Ranch
                and pass a new bill when they come back into  over almost every other consideration.  Freedom Alliance.
                session in September. Alternatively, the “normal”     This year’s widespread drought adds an-  She has a B.S. in
                approach would be to pass a one-year extension  other layer of public and political pressure to the   biology from
                to the 2008 Farm Bill, and let the next Congress  equation. The Farm Bill contains many of the   Stanford University
                                                                                                      and a J.D. from the
                argue it out.                             programs designed to aid farmers and ranchers   University of Texas
                    But other, more unusual, proposals have also  in a disaster. The Democratic leadership of the   at Austin. She and
                been floated in order to enable the Farm Bill to  Senate is arguing that the best way to address the   her husband
                pass this year without members of the House  drought is to pass a full Farm Bill that includes   run a small
                being able to vote on amendments. For instance,  disaster programs. The House’s approach, in   grass-based farm
                the House could pass a one-year extension of the  contrast, was to pass a stand-alone bill in July   with sheep, cattle,
                Farm Bill, or some other simple shell bill, but  that just dealt with disaster assistance. The House   horses, and poultry.
                the conference committee would then develop a  bill dealt mostly with programs to provide assis-  For more
                                                                                                      information go to
                bill based on compromises between the Senate  tance to livestock producers who are not usually   www.farmandranch-
                version and the House Agriculture Committee’s  covered by crop insurance, and paid for it by or
                version of the full Farm Bill. Although the full  cutting conservation programs. When Congress   call (254) 697-2661.

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