Page 76 - Fall2012
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re-convenes in September, the Senate will have to   the 2012 Farm Bill focused on a few specific
                                    decide whether or not to pass the House’s disaster   amendments that could have helped our farmers
                                    bill, while the House continues to face the issue   raise nutrient-dense foods with less interference
                                    of whether or not to vote on the Farm Bill.  from the government.
                                        But this debate about short-term relief and      Thank you to everyone who took the time
                                    the politics of the Farm Bill misses the big pic-  to act on the action alerts! Your calls do make a
                                    ture―why have so many farmers gone out of   difference. After analyzing the senators’ votes
                                    business despite the safety nets, and why are con-  on the amendments discussed below, it appears
                                    sumers facing higher prices for even low-quality   that your calls turned several senators from
                                    food? Neither the House Committee version nor   likely “no” votes to “yes” votes. Even though
                                    the Senate version addresses the fundamental   the amendments did not pass, each legislator we
                                    problem, namely that government subsidies have   influence brings us one step closer to winning
                                    created incentives for large-scale monocultures   next time.
                  We used to        and industrial agriculture. Instead, both versions      On the Senate side, WAPF asked for your
                     have farm      of the bill rely on a crop insurance program that   calls to support two long-shot amendments.
                        policies    sounds more palatable to the general public but   The first, the DeMint Amendment, would have
                                                                               stopped mandatory Checkoff programs. There
                                    changes very little in reality.
                  designed to           We used to have farm policies designed to   are currently eighteen mandatory “Checkoff”
                try to smooth       try to smooth out some of the volatility of food   programs. Under these programs, anytime a

                     out some       markets without creating perverse incentives, by   farmer sells a cow or a gallon of milk or any
                                    managing the supply of major commodity crops
                                                                               other covered commodity, the farmer is legally
                          of the    like corn, soybeans, wheat and other grains.   required to pay a fee to industry-run organiza-
                   volatility of    These programs were dismantled in the 1980s   tions. These funds are used to pay for things such

                food markets        and early 1990s, as discussed in the last issue   as the “Got Milk?” and “Pork, the other white
                                    of Wise Traditions. The first step in fixing this
                                                                               meat” advertising campaigns. These advertising
                        without     would be to create a grain reserve―a concept   campaigns benefit primarily the retailers and
                       creating     that dates back to ancient civilizations, which   grocery stores, yet the farmers are stuck paying
                      perverse      recognized the need (to which our current politi-  the bills. When it comes to raw milk, the industry
                                                                               adds insult to injury by promoting only pasteur-
                                    cians appear oblivious) to have supplies of stor-
                incentives, by      able food in case of droughts or other disasters.   ized milk products and even running ads against
                     managing       Reserves can also be used to protect farmers   raw milk―but they still require raw milk farmers
                    the supply      when they have a great year, since overproduc-  to pay to support those ads. The DeMint Amend-
                                    tion drives down prices and can result in farmers
                                                                               ment would have barred any Checkoff program
                       of major     going out of business just because of widespread   from being mandatory, so that our farmers would
                   commodity        crop success; with a grain reserve program,   no longer be coerced to support advertising ef-
              crops like corn,      some of the bumper crop goes into the reserve to   forts that are not in their interest.

                                    protect our food security and keep market prices
                                                                                  The following Senators voted yes, sup-
                     soybeans,      from cratering. The National Farmers Union   porting farmers' choice: Ayotte (R-NH); Brown
                    wheat and       has a proposal for creating a farmer-controlled   (R-MA); Burr (R-NC); Coats (R-IN); Coburn (R-
                 other grains.      reserve program, but the current Congress has   OK); Cornyn (R-TX); DeMint (R-SC); Graham
                                                                               (R-SC); Hatch (R-UT); Heller (R-NV); Johnson
                                    not even considered it. If the 2012 Farm Bill does
                          These     indeed become the 2013 Farm Bill, we will have   (R-WI); Kyl (R-AZ); Lee (R-UT); McCain (R-
              programs were         another opportunity to try to push for real reform   AZ); McConnell (R-KY); Murkowski (R-AK);
                dismantled in       to deal with the long-term problem of creating   Paul (R-KY); Rubio (R-FL); Sessions (R-AL);
                                    a stable food supply, rather than focusing on the
                                                                               Toomey (R-PA).
               the 1980s and        latest crisis.                                The second amendment WAPF supported
                  early 1990s.                                                 was the Sanders Amendment to permit states to
                                    SPECIFIC FARM BILL AMENDMENTS              require that any food, beverage or other edible
                                        With no solid proposals to reform the fun-  product offered for sale have a label indicating
                                    damentals of the Farm Bill, our action alerts for   that the food, beverage or other edible product
               76                                         Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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