Page 71 - Fall2012
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extracts. Common extracts include vanilla,  it’s no surprise that the two sometimes overlap.   When
                almond, lemon and orange. To flavor kombucha  When alterative and tonic herbs are included in   alterative and
                with an extract, brew and ferment according to  your kombucha, they can become simple, health-
                the basic recipe. Then, when bottling, for each  promoting additions to your everyday routine. It’s  tonic herbs
                cup of finished kombucha add 1/8 teaspoon of  especially rewarding to include herbs that you’ve   are
                your chosen extract. Place a sheet of waxed  gathered or grown yourself.             included in
                paper under the lid, cap the bottles tightly, and     My favorite medicinal herbs to include in
                store them in the refrigerator. The flavor will be  kombucha are calendula, chrysanthemum, dan- your

                stable for up to one week.                delion greens, ginger, jasmine, lemon verbena,   kombucha,
                    Add grated, fresh ginger and raw honey for  nettle, mint, red clover, sassafras bark, St. John’s   they can
                a sweet and spicy infused kombucha. To make  wort, white tea and yarrow. Many of these herbs
                ginger-honey kombucha, brew and ferment until  have been used in fermentation historically and  become
                the tea tastes "finished" (pleasantly tart). When  traditionally; think of yarrow ale, ginger ale and   simple,
                bottling, for each cup of kombucha combine  root beer (made with sassafras bark).    health-
                in a small bowl 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly-grated     Before making herbal kombucha set aside
                ginger root, 1 1/2 teaspoons raw honey, and  an additional kombucha culture (also known as  promoting
                1 1/2 teaspoons filtered water. Use a fork to stir  a mother, SCOBY, or mushroom). This set-aside   additions to
                the mixture until evenly mixed. Then, strain and  SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast)   your everyday
                funnel the mixture into a bottle with a tightly  must never come in contact with the herbal brew.
                fitting lid. Fill with kombucha, place a sheet of  The properties and compounds in the herbs may  routine.
                waxed paper under the lid, and cap tightly. Store  affect the balance of bacteria and yeast on the
                in the refrigerator. The taste will be stable for up  culture and impact the integrity of future batches.
                to one week.                                  To make herbal kombucha, first reduce the
                                                          amount of tea used by one-half. If you are using
                A PHARMACY OF HERBAL ALLIES               dried leafy herbs and/or dried flowers, add 2-5
                    Both herbalism and fermentation appeal to  times as much herbs as tea. Intensely flavored,
                health-conscious, do-it-yourself personalities, so  finely-grated, dried barks and roots can be added

                                                             BOTTLING TIPS

                      Bottling kombucha makes the brew portable and can increase the carbonation. Follow these tips to ensure that your
                  bottled kombucha stays tightly closed, doesn’t corrode your lids, and has carbonation without exploding!

                  1. Use a jar with a tightly fitting lid. I recommend using regular-mouth mason jars, glass mineral-water bottles and twist top
                  kombucha bottles (save, wash and re-use them). All are inexpensive and ubiquitous. Another option for bottling kombucha
                  tea is to use bottles with a flip-top lids. Many German brands of beer are sold in bottles that can be washed and re-used.
                  New flip-top beer bottles can also be purchased at most kitchen supply and brewery supply stores.

                  2. Use a funnel to fill the jars or bottles. Kombucha can safely come into brief contact with high-quality stainless steel and
                  food-grade plastic. Look for Norpro brand stainless steel funnels. Their funnel and strainer combination really simplifies
                  kombucha bottling!

                  3. Fill the jars or bottles to the top, leaving only about 1/4 inch of headspace. Fill the jars to help create an oxygen-deprived
                  environment where carbonation-producing yeasts can multiply (when the jar is tightly capped). This also prevents the
                  buildup of a large amount of gas under the cap. When the air space is small, there is much less chance of violent explo-
                  sions resulting from pressure built-up under the cap.

                  4. Use a sheet of waxed paper under the lid. Kombucha is acidic and over time it will corrode metal lids. The waxed
                  paper will protect the lid so that it can be reused indefinitely. It also helps to create a leak-proof gasket to trap the drink
                  and carbonation inside.

                  5. Cap the bottles or jars tightly to keep the carbonation and the kombucha trapped inside!

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