Page 69 - Fall2012
P. 69

Food Feature

                                   FLAVORED KOMBUCHA: A HOME BREWER'S GUIDE
                                                           By Dori Oliver

                    Years ago, I fell in love with the flavor of  ment of many serious illnesses including AIDS,
                GT’s organic kombucha variety dubbed "Botanic  cancer, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
                No. 9," an immune-boosting blend of bilberry,
                honeysuckle and red clover. I began to wonder  THERE'S MORE THAN TWO FOR TEAS
                how it was made and discussed the topic with     The standard method of brewing kombucha
                other kombucha brewers. To my delight, some  calls for using organic black tea (orange pekoe) or
                of them were already experimenting with adding  organic green tea. Use a different style of organic
                flavors to their kombucha! Soon an entire group  tea (like oolong or pu-ehr) to dramatically change
                of us was trying new combinations and sharing  the flavor of the finished kombucha. Within each
                our favorite results. Enthusiastic tasters—some  broad style of tea there are many particular types
                of them committed non-health foodies—were  of tea.
                swooning for flavors like grape, goji berry and     In many ways kombucha mirrors the tea that
                honey-ginger.                             it is made from. Light teas make light, thirst-
                    Flavored kombucha can be made in a few  quenching kombucha; darker, more full-bodied
                simple steps and many local, common, as well  teas make heavier, full-bodied brews (similar to
                as tropical and exotic fruits, herbs and extracts  lagers and ales). My favorite type is a dark, earthy
                are easy to incorporate into the brew.    brew made from Shou Cha pu-ehr tea. Others to
                    If you’re new to brewing kombucha I suggest  try are Sencha green, Gunpowder green, Ti Kuan
                you become familiar with the process of mak-  Yin oolong, Assam black and Darjeeling black.
                ing regular, unflavored kombucha before trying  White teas do not contain enough caffeine to
                the flavoring options (see the sidebar “Five-Step  support the kombucha organism and should not
                Kombucha”). However, you don’t need to be  be used alone to brew kombucha. White tea can
                highly experienced to be successful in making  be used as an herb, however.
                flavored brews. There’s nothing particularly dif-     Substitute different styles and types (or
                ficult about these methods even though they may  blends) of organic tea directly into the basic
                seem complicated to some first-time brewers.   kombucha recipe. Brew, ferment and bottle the
                    Please note that these flavored kombucha  drink according to the basic directions.
                methods have not been tested for potential
                health-benefits. If you drink kombucha as part  FRESH, FROZEN, DRIED OR JUICED?      Light teas
                of a treatment protocol for a health condition,     Fruit flavors are familiar and easy additions   make light,
                you should brew it only according to the method  to kombucha. When fruit is added to kombucha
                presented in Nourishing Traditions or Kombucha  its sugar feeds the yeast in the brew, which results   thirst-
                Phenomenon (see sidebar). Kombucha made ac-  in a natural increase in the carbonation. Fresh   quenching
                cordingly has been tested and proven to contain  fruits, frozen fruits, fruit juices, or dried fruits   kombucha;
                dozens of health-promoting compounds. For  are nearly always on hand in my pantry and are
                example glucuronic acid (which aids detoxifica-  simple to include in kombucha. Some of my fa-  darker, more
                tion), chondroitin sulphate (a component of car-  vorites are: fresh in-season (or frozen) blackber-  full-bodied
                tilage), and B-vitamins (used for a wide variety  ries, blueberries, boysenberries, cherries, grapes,   teas make
                of everyday functions in the body) are all found  peach slices, raspberries, and strawberries; juices
                in kombucha. It contains compounds that boost  of apple, blueberry, grape, grapefruit, mango,   heavier, full-
                immunity, improve digestion, and assist the treat-  mixed berry and pineapple; and even dried fruits   bodied brews.
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