Page 73 - Fall2012
P. 73

Soy Alert!

                                   SOY-LING BACON: SICKENING SCIENCE EXPERIMENT
                                                     By Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD

                    Health experts often propose turkey bacon  reviewer who is eco-conscious, mostly vegan
                as a “healthy option” for those who decline to eat  and an avowed fan of Morningstar Farms meat
                pork for either religious or health reasons. While  analogue offerings, begged to differ. She started
                this might seem an excellent alternative to the  out wanting to like the stuff, and even asked
                average health-conscious consumer, the ques-  “How bad could the fake stuff be?”
                tion to ask is “What does it take to turn a turkey     Very bad as it turned out. Given the ingre-
                into a pig?” Well, dubious ingredients such as  dient list, better her taste-testing this than me!
                hydrolyzed soy protein, canola oil, hydrolyzed  Here it is: egg whites, soybean oil with TBHQ
                corn or wheat gluten, corn syrup, autolyzed yeast  for freshness, textured soy protein concentrate,
                extract, “natural” and artificial flavorings and  modified corn starch, wheat gluten, hydrolyzed
                “liquid smoke.”                           vegetable protein (corn gluten, wheat gluten,
                    An even bigger question is “What does it  soy). Contains two percent or less of glycerin,
                take to turn a soybean into a pig?” More than you  salt, soy protein isolate, sodium citrate, sodium
                most likely want to know! Pig out intelligently  phosphate, sugar, natural and artificial flavors
                with Smart Bacon®—a product advertised as  from non-meat sources, torula yeast, caramel
                bringing “that hearty bacon taste into the veggie  color, monocalcium phosphate, sodium tripoly-
                world”—and you’ll get the following ingredients:  phosphate, natural smoke flavor, malic acid, guar
                Water, soy protein isolate, wheat gluten, soybean  gum, yeast extract, locust bean and guar gum,
                oil, textured soy protein concentrate, textured  sodium sulfite, carrageenan, red #3, disodium
                wheat gluten, less than 2 percent of natural smoke  inosinate, disodium guanylate, niacinamide, iron
                flavor, natural flavor (from vegetable sources),  [ferrous sulfate)], autolyzed yeast extract, nonfat
                grill flavor (from sunflower oil), carrageenan,  dry milk, yellow #6, vitamin B  [thiamin mono-
                evaporated cane juice, paprika oleoresin (for  nitrate], vitamin B  [pyridoxine hydrochloride]
                flavor and color), potassium chloride, sesame  vitamin B  [riboflavin], citric acid, cyanocobala-
                oil, fermented rice flour, tapioca dextrin, citric  min.
                acid, salt.                                   Here’s what Ms. McDaniels reports:
                    Yum, and just the thing for vegans following     “The fake bacon is worse than you can
                Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee  possibly imagine. First impressions: when you
                for (Ir)responsible Medicine, who recommends  open the packaging, you're hit by a pretty asser-
                Smart Bacon® and similar products for those  tive synthetic aroma, an almost-but-not-quite
                who crave bacon but want to avoid “the embar-  right recreation of the meaty, smoky bacon   "So repulsive
                rassment” associated with consuming such an  smell. This eerie sort of Bacon Uncanny Valley
                unhealthy substance.                      continued into the visual—this fake bacon just   I couldn't
                    How does it taste? I spat it out though the  looked like unchewed sticks of gum. It made me   recommend
                Smart Bacon® folks promised, “you'll swear  anxious—some primordial fear inside me clicked   this product
                you're back in grandma's country kitchen (even  on, because the stuff just does not look like food.
                if she lived in Brooklyn).”                   “This product is basically egg whites, soy   to even my
                    For the “delicious hearty flavor of smoked  protein, corn starch, wheat gluten, and vegetable   worst
                bacon with a crispy bite” and “44 percent less  protein—oh boy!—and then, through the magic   vegetarian
                fat!” try Morningstar Farms Veggie Bacon  of science, it's turned into this white, malleable
                Strips®.  Mavyn  McDaniels,  a  Yahoo  Voice  strip with pinkish-red grainy texture-y stuff   enemy."

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