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But compared         applied to the surface. For fun throw in some  Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN, is The Naughty
                                    food coloring, artificial and natural flavorings,  Nutritionist™ because of her ability to outra-
                     to regular     stabilizers, and preservatives . . .       geously and humorously debunk nutritional
                     bacon, it's        “The instructions on the packaging read,  myths. A popular guest on radio and television,
                   bad. Really,     'Fry over LOW to MEDIUM heat, turning occa-  she has been on The Dr Oz Show, ABC’s View
                                    sionally. DO NOT OVER COOK'— and boy, do  from the Bay, NPR’s People’s Pharmacy and will
                    really bad.     they mean it. I don't know what that pinkish-red  appear this summer on PBS Healing Quest. Dr
                      Not even      grainy texture-y stuff is, but if you're not careful,  Daniel is the author of The Whole Soy Story:

                          close.    it goes from cooked to burnt in an instant. I ac-  The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health
                                    cidentally burned the hell out of the first batch. To  Food, a popular speaker at Wise Traditions and
                                    make it even more unappetizing, when cooked, it  other conferences, Vice President of the Weston
                                    somehow developed these weird-looking bubbly  A. Price Foundation and recipient of its 2005
                                    pimples. When you cook it, it ends up as a dry,  Integrity in Science Award. To share your soy
                                    thin, crispy cracker.                      story or get a Special Report on recovering from
                                        “How did it taste? I'll admit: it tastes like  soy and dealing with soy allergies visit www.
                                    bacon. But compared to regular bacon, it's bad.
                                    Really, really bad. Not even close. It's too square,
                                    too artificial, too manufactured. This is supposed  REFERENCES
                                    to be bacon, where the point is meaty, fatty, salty,   1.   Saitoh, S.; Sato, T.; Harada, H.; Takita, T. Transfer of
                                    smoky flavor.                                 soy isoflavone into the egg yolk of chickens. Biosci.
                                                                                  Biotechnol., Biochem. 2001, 65, 2220-2225.
                                        “Some mad scientists in New Jersey have   2.   Saitoh, S.; Sato, T.; Harada, H.; Matsuda, T. Biotrans-
                                    figured out how to synthesize a facsimile of the   formation of soy isoflavone-glycosides in laying hens:
                                                                                  intestinal absorption and preferential accumulation
                                    smell and flavor of bacon using ‘natural’ and   into egg yolk of equol, a more estrogenic metabolite of
                                    ‘artificial’ flavors. It brings to mind the line by   daidzein. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2004, 1674 (2) 122-130.
                                    Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park: ‘Your scientists   3.   Lin, F.; Wu, J.; Abdelnabi, M.; Ottinger, M.; Giusti
                                                                                  M.M. Effects of dose and glycosylation on the transfer
                                    were so preoccupied with whether or not they   of genistein into the eggs of the japanese quail (Coturnix
                                    could, they didn't stop to think if they should.’ So   4.   japonica). J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004, 52, 2397-2403.
                                                                                  Vargas Galdos, Dante Miguel Marcial. Quantification of
                                    completely disconnected from the true item, and   Soy Isoflavones in commercial eggs and their transfer
                                    so repulsive, I couldn't recommend this product   from poultry feed into eggs and tissues. Thesis. Ohio
                                    to even my worst vegetarian enemy.”           State University, Food Science and Technology Gradu-
                                                                                  ate Program, 2009;

                                                                         HEALTHY 4 LIFE
                                                               Dietary Guidelines and Recipe Book

                                           Our colorful, 84-page guidelines booklet with recipes is available. Instead of
                                           complicated formulas involving calories and grams, which most people don’t
                                           understand, we simply recommend including high-quality foods from four
                                           food groups in the diet every day. The good groups are:
                                                 • Animal foods, including meat, dairy, seafood, and bone broths;
                                                 • Grains, legumes and nuts—properly prepared;
                                                 • Vegetables and fruits, including lacto-fermented products;
                                                 • Healthy fats and oils, including butter, lard, coconut oil
                                                   and cod liver oil.
                                           The feedback to this publication has been very positive. It is suitable for use
                                           in schools and inner city programs. To order online, go to www.westonaprice.
                                           org. Booklets are $10 each or $6 each for orders of ten or more.

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