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food groups, such as the Grocery Manufactur-  Cascadian Farms Organic, Muir Glen, and Lar-
                ers of America, have declared the defeat of this  abar, contributed five hundred twenty thousand
                consumer-right-to-know provision one of their  dollars. Smucker, which owns R.W. Knudsen and
                “top priorities.”                         Santa Cruz Organic, contributed three hundred
                    The controversy over Proposition 37 has  eighty-seven thousand dollars.
                brought new attention to the issue of “corporate     In contrast, a few companies that are truly
                organics” and so-called “natural” brands because  committed to organic and natural health have
                many of these companies have joined forces  donated to support Proposition 37 and consum-
                with the biotech industry to fight labeling. The  ers’ right to know. These companies deserve a
                reality is that many natural and organic brands  special thanks for their commitment: Nature’s
                are actually owned by the handful of huge com-  Path, Dr. Bronner’s, Lundberg, Amy’s, Clif Bars,
                panies that control so much of our food supply.  Annie’s Homegrown, Nutiva, Organic Valley,
                These companies don’t support organic or natural  Glutino, Earth Balance, Udi’s Gluten-free, Late
                food products―they have simply purchased the  July Organic, OrganicVille, Sambazon, Eden and
                brands in order to grab a share of what they view  Earthbound Farm Organic. In addition, Dr. Mer-
                as a lucrative niche market. These companies  cola has donated eight hundred thousand dollars,
                often sell more food that has GMO ingredients  and individuals from across the country have
                than organic food and don’t want consumers to  donated over seven hundred thousand dollars to
                have a choice about the GMO. They especially  the Organic Consumers Association’s Fund for
                don’t want consumers to know what is actually  this campaign.
                in their so-called “natural” products.        Whether you live in California or not, Propo-
                    Most people assume that “natural” foods  sition 37 will affect your food supply. The cor-
                don’t have genetically engineered ingredients,  porate giants are determined to defeat it because
                but that is false. For example, Kashi, which  mandatory labeling of GMOs in California would
                proclaims its passion for “healthy, all-natural  inevitably create huge pressure for nationwide
                foods,” has GMO soy in its ingredients. Kashi  labeling. If you live in California, take some time
                is owned by Kelloggs, the multinational food  to volunteer to help spread the word in your com-
                manufacturing company that has contributed six  munity. And for those elsewhere in the country,
                hundred twelve thousand dollars to defeat Prop  you can also help by reaching out to anyone you
                37 and keep GMO labels off their products.  know in California, as well as donating to the
                    Even some certified organic brands have  campaign.
                played the same shell game. Honest Tea, for ex-     To see how much money different companies
                ample, is USDA-certified organic, but is owned  have donated, both for and against Proposition 37,
                by Coca-Cola, which has contributed more than  go to
                one million dollars to defeat GMO labeling in  sures/Detail.aspx?id=1344799&session=2011
                California. Coke also owns Odwalla, which     For more information on the California
                produces “all-natural juices” and “nourishing  Right to Know campaign, visit http://www.
                protein bars,” and supposedly supports sustain-
                able agriculture.
                    Silk carries the “Non-GMO Project Veri-                                          Whether you
                fied” seal on its soy milk, coconut milk and
                almond milk products. Both Silk and the Horizon                                      live in
                Organic brand tell their customers that the brands                                   California or
                oppose GMOs. Yet both are owned by Dean                                              not,
                Foods, which has contributed two hundred fifty-
                three thousand dollars to defeat GMO labeling.                                       Proposition
                    Seeds of Change, the organic seed and food                                       37 will affect
                company, is owned by candy giant Mars, which                                         your food
                contributed one hundred thousand dollars to
                defeat GMO labeling. General Mills, which owns                                       supply.
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