Page 80 - Fall2012
P. 80

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                                         RAWMI: THE RAW MILK INSTITUTE
                                                By Mark McAfee, Founder, Organic Pastures Dairy

                                        For years, we have all known that raw milk  we in the raw milk movement were not happy
                                    production and consumption has been oppressed  about Whole Foods cutting-off raw milk sales,
                                    and hobbled by regulators and the huge dairy  their argument did have some validity.
                                    processors that are politically and economically     Nationally, raw milk standards are literally a
                                    tied to the regulators. After all, the processors do  scattered chaotic mess, and the dairy processors,
                                    not like raw milk. They do not make any money  national brands and the FDA love it this way.
                                    on raw milk simply because raw milk does not  Raw milk is illegal in some places and it is legal
                                    ever get processed. Raw milk bypasses the  in other places. In some places, it can only be
                                    processors and directly connects the farmer to  sold on the farm but with no signs to advertize.
                                    the consumer―economically, nutritionally and  Strangely it is legal to be sold in some places
                                    spiritually.                               if fewer than 23 quarts per day are offered for
                                        High quality raw milk is a horror story for  sale and illegal if more than 23 quarts are sold.
                                    processors because processing is a method to  In some states it can be sold if you buy the cow
                                    fake high quality using technology to cover-up  or part of a cow. In Florida it can be bought as
                  A Campaign        CAFO filth; and in the processing, the most aller-  pet food. The U.S. raw milk situation has been
                 for Real Milk      genic food in America is created. Compounding  intentionally configured to be a total mess.
                 is a project of    their challenges, more and more humans cannot     For many years those of us in the raw milk
                the Weston A.       consume processed milk because of lactose in-  movement saw this situation festering and brew-
                           Price    tolerance.                                 ing. We have heard farmers all over America
                                        High quality raw milk cannot be outsourced  saying, "Somebody help; somebody set some
                  Foundation.         from China and it cannot be faked. High quality  standards and lead us away from this chaos." We
                     To obtain      raw milk can only come from high quality ethical  waited and waited. Years passed and no one stood
                  some of our       farmers who care and invest in their systems and  up to lead raw milk to a better place, a place of
                   informative      conditions from “Grass to the Glass."      consistency, pride, safety and transparency, with
                     Real Milk                                                 high ethical standards that everyone, regardless
                    brochures,      THE SAFETY CARD                            of size or location, could achieve.
                                        Processors and their friends in the FDA con-
                                                                                  In this vacuum, The Raw Milk Institute

                   contact the        tinuously use the Food Safety Card against raw  (RAWMI) was finally born in late summer of
                Foundation at       milk. It is now time to establish a record of truth,  2011. The mission was to mentor and assist
                          (202)     a raw milk food safety record to demonstrate to  farmers and to establish “Common Standards”
                    363-4394.       the world that raw milk is a very safe food and  for raw milk production. This effort would assist
                Check out our       can be reliably produced when standards are  consumers in their efforts to find and identify
                       website,     applied with care.                         high quality, dedicated, committed raw milk

                                        On March 25, 2010, Whole Foods Market  producers and be able to see and understand their
                          www.      discontinued raw milk in all of its stores nation-  food safety efforts.
              ally, including fifty-five California stores, eight     It has long been known that few consumers
                 for additional     stores in Pennsylvania and additional stores in  really know what to look for in their raw milk
                   information      Washington, Connecticut and other states. One  producer and farmer. The evidence of safe raw
                   and sources      of the leading reasons they gave for this action  milk production is not easily seen from out in
                                    was the total lack of uniform national standards  front of the barn gate or from the on-farm store.
                  of Real Milk      for raw milk. Raw milk in California was not  The evidence lies very deep in the practices of the
                     products.      the same as raw milk in Connecticut. Although  farmer from “Grass to the Glass.” The evidence

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