Page 82 - Fall2012
P. 82

RAWMI is a        OUTBREAK IN OREGON                         help farmers understand their own challenges
                                        In Oregon, twenty-three people were seri-
                                                                               and manage these challenges. RAWMI is a tool
                        way for       ously sickened in February 2012 after consuming  to allow transparency of the bacteria counts that
                    consumers       raw milk from a cow share operation. As a result  each farmer should be so proud of. RAWMI is
                 to be able to      of this outbreak, RAWMI was invited to provide  a way for consumers to be able to identify high
                 identify high      training and additional assistance to more than  quality sources of raw milk and know that a third
                                    fifty small Oregon raw milk dairy farmers who  party has audited their systems.
                         quality    made the decision to stand together, embrace     A RAWMI Listed Dairyman is connected to

                    sources of      standards and improve raw milk production. The  a broader brotherhood of like minded dairymen
                 raw milk and       first RAWMI listed dairymen came out of this  who challenge themselves every day to achieve
                                                                               excellence. These RAWMI listed dairymen act as
                                    training and mentoring experience.
                  know that a           We are very proud to announce Champoeg  mentors for one another and support each other
                    third party     Creamery and its owner Charlotte Smith as be-  in times of need. Most importantly, a RAWMI

                  has audited       ing the first “RAWMI listed” raw milk dairy  listed dairyman has a plan to help him avoid a
                                    operation in North America. Charlotte will be  time of need.
                their systems.      speaking about her RAWMI experience and the     When the RAWMI listed seal is seen,
                                    tools that RAWMI brings to her operations at  consumers will know what they are buying and
                                    the Santa Clara WAPF convention in November  feeding their families.
                                    2012.                                         Not everyone will embrace this new open-
                                        It is hoped that more small dairy operations  ness. Not everyone will want to stand up and
                                    will follow her example and join RAWMI and  establish a track record where there was none
                                    become listed.                             before. RAWMI is for pioneers who want to
                                                                               change the world and make it a healthier place for
                                    TRANSPARENCY                               all to live, one baby, one family and one farmer
                                        We have seen a national trend towards some  at a time. RAWMI listed farmers will be a group
                                    raw milk producers “secretly hiding and being  of pioneers who will fear little because they will
                                    scared of transparency." We do not blame pro-  have done the hard work to assure excellence in
                                    ducers who hide away from exposure. In many  their raw milk products.
                                    parts of the U.S. raw milk production is illegal     The line to become RAWMI listed has
                                    and hiding is required.                    formed and we now have many farmers inter-
                                        However, it will be very difficult to advance  ested and have submitted applications to follow
                                    raw milk food safety or establish a track record  Charlotte's lead. A brave new world of transpar-
                                    of safety and increase consumer access to raw  ency and openness has been established and now
                                    milk, if raw milk producers do not come out of  it is up to us to join and support RAWMI as we
                                    hiding. RAWMI is not about hiding; it is about  establish a track record and prove that raw milk
                                    standing up and leading the way forward with  is safe and healing.
                                    pride and hard work.
                                        So many small dairy operators fear govern-  THE BENEFITS TO FARMERS
                                    ment and fear exposure and this is not without     Each RAWMI listed farmer will have their
                                    merit or good reason. RAWMI is a tool that can  own portal at to dis-

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