Page 68 - Fall2012
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Tim’s DVD Reviews

               almost impossible to duplicate Price’s work exactly but a professor in   the USDA food pyramid recommends for the
               Australia confirmed some of it with a group of Aborigines who grew up on   optimum human diet. Are we being fattened up
               their traditional diet. They were healthy up to that point, then moved into   for the slaughter?
               civilization, gained weight and developed other related health problems.      More evidence that we are not adapted to a
               When she observed them return to the outback and the old ways, they lost   rabbit diet comes from archaeological and an-
               weight and their health issues were resolved. Their traditional diet was   thropological studies. Many thousands of years
               64 percent animal-based and they were less active in the bush than in the   ago humans moved far enough north that only
               city. That clashes with a lot of belief systems. Jay Wortman, MD, has seen   animal food would be available for large parts
               similar results with First Nation peoples in Canada.            of the year. They have not found any evidence
                   We are next treated to the vegetarian view. We hear Joel Fuhrman,   that they had produce trucked up from the south
               MD, claim that not only should we eat more fruits and vegetables but ought   at that time. Professor Mike Richards has done
               to make those foods the foundation of our diet. Alan Goldhamer, DC, says   extensive bone analysis to determine what the
               the mistake vegetarians make is trying to make up for the lack of meat   original owners of those bones ate. He has found
               in the diet. He wants us to just get rid of the meat, period. The creator of   no vegans until recently. There were a few cases
               soy jerky says that anatomically we are herbivores. I’m not sure whose   where they thought they found an exception but
               anatomy he is looking at, but I don’t have multiple stomachs nor do I have   later discovered they accidentally got a cow bone
               the intestinal capacity of a gorilla.                           mixed in with the human bones. How that could
                   Michael Eades, MD, points out that we can only get vitamin B  from   happen, I’m not sure, but if some people think
               animal foods and that fact alone does irreparable damage to the theory that   we anatomically look like herbivores, I suppose
               we are naturally pure vegans. A series of other experts reinforces the need   that would be an easy mistake to make.
               for animal-based nutrition, including Sally Fallon Morell. She points out      A wide range of experts was interviewed
               that the Framingham study has been used to promote margarine and other   in this movie and so, as you might expect, even
               foods that don’t contain saturated fat. What the study really showed was   those who are on the same side of the issue do not
               that those who ate the most saturated fat, cholesterol and calories weighed   agree on every detail. One detail everyone might
               the least, had lower levels of serum cholesterol, and were more physically   agree on is made by Getoff toward the end of the
               active.                                                         film. A healthy diet may not be convenient but an
                   USDA guidelines are decided mostly by politics and politicians, not   unhealthy diet will lead to even more inconve-
               science. Eades analyzed the feed used by factory farms or feedlots to   nience. The big picture message does agree with
               fatten up their cattle and pigs and found it almost exactly matches what   my thumb, which is UP for this movie.

                                                               RAW MILK FREEDOM RIDERS IN MINNEAPOLIS

                                                               Kimberly Hartke, WAPF Publicist, pictured in back row,
                                                               third from left, gave her new presentation, "The Real Deal
                                                               about Raw Milk," in Minneapolis. She is pictured here with
                                                               the Raw Milk Freedom Riders of Minnesota,
                                                               who sponsored the event.

               68                                         Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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