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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                and/or “low name-your-chemical” as the root  from measures such as vigorous exercise, herbs
                causes of depression for some time.       that do not have the harmful side effects of an-
                    Dr. Kirsch not only questions this theory,  tidepressants, the quintessential placebo called
                but offers evidence of the faulty “depression  “psychotherapy,” and even through disclosed
                as chemical imbalance” theory—a theory that  placebos—and all with far fewer side effects
                focuses blame on a handful of named neu-  compared to antidepressants.
                rotransmitters, thereby creating a strong case     Citing an example of the complexity of
                (and thereby fertile marketing environment) for  the interrelationship between mind and body,
                “correcting” such “imbalances” via targeted  the author reminds us of E.M. Forster’s novel
                drugs. Much like cholesterol-reducing drugs,  A Room with a View, and in its context tells us
                depression drugs are big business—a business  of an interesting experiment. Roger Urich, a
                that can “scale” only if large swaths of the popu-  researcher at the University of Delaware, tested
                lation can be deemed first to be depressed and  the hypothesis that rooms with pleasing views
                second, curable through concerted, long-term  had a positive therapeutic effect on gall blad-
                use of antidepressants. Longer-term use here  der surgery patients. Patients were divided into
                equals a lucrative, annuity-type revenue stream  two groups: one group with a window view
                for pharmaceutical firms.                 overlooking a park-like setting and a second
                    Via freedom-of-information requests to the  group of patients with a window view onto a
                FDA, Dr. Kirsch unearthed and analyzed raw  brick wall. He discovered that the former group
                data on all clinical trials pertaining to major  required less medication, were in better spirits,
                antidepressants that were recently marketed. He  recovered faster and were discharged earlier than
                discovered that in fact drug companies employed  patients in the second group. Thus in Dr. Kirsch’s
                various nefarious schemes to dress up results  opinion, the ability of emotions to affect health,
                that ranged from mixed to completely negative.  for better and worse, is real, and the quality of
                They withheld negative studies from publication  any therapeutic relationship enhances physical
                and published positive studies multiple times,  improvement.

                thereby making it appear as though positive stud-     Cultural historian and profession, Dr. Morris
                ies and outcomes in the drug trials outnumbered  Berman, who also reviewed this book, compares
                negative studies when in fact they did not. In sev-  the psychiatric drugs of our time to the wide-
                eral instances, clinical trials undertaken outside  spread and ultimately deadly use of leaden forks
                the United States mysteriously showed positive  by early Romans: “The (same) leaden forks that
                results, whereas the same trial carried out within  wiped out a thriving earlier civilization” can do
                the U.S. did not show these results. Yet the FDA  the same to us.
                was persuaded to accept the foreign studies as     For the millions of Americans who are on
                valid while the U.S. study was ignored. In other  long-term antidepressant prescriptions the future
                words, drug companies routinely cherry-picked  on these drugs does not bode well. However it   Much like
                results from the multi-site studies. There is good  bodes very well for the financial bottom lines of   cholesterol-
                reason to believe that trials in foreign countries  the drug companies. For anyone who might seek
                where the FDA does not have jurisdiction can be  counsel for depression, I would recommend The   reducing
                far more readily manipulated. Drug companies  Emperor’s New Drugs as required reading, and   drugs, anti-
                also published data that were different from what  I would also recommend that everyone heed the   depressant
                they submitted to the FDA; that is, they lied.   warning that prescription antidepressants repre-
                    Dr. Kirsch asserts that equal or better ef-  sent a poor health bargain.         drugs are big
                ficacy in combatting depression can be obtained         Review by Sushama Gokhale    business.
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