Page 60 - Fall2012
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                Corruption in       up of Merck consultants.                   is prescribed statin drugs doesn’t drop dead
                                        Corruption in the FDA has reached the point  shortly after starting them. The pharmaceutical
                  the FDA has         where scientists who work for the FDA have  companies know that Americans haven’t been
                  reached the  written a letter to President Obama complaining  dumbed down enough (yet) to fail to notice that
                  point where       about it. Part of that letter is reproduced in the  particular side effect, so the drug is sufficiently
                FDA scientists      book. There has been no response to that letter  diluted so that most victims won’t start noticing
                                    from either the FDA or the Obama administra-
                                                                               severe symptoms for at least a few years. The
               have written a  tion. FDA-approved drugs kill one hundred thou-  average person is not very good at connecting
                        letter to   sand Americans and generate over two million  cause and effect when the two are separated by
                      President     adverse drug reactions per year. FDA-approved  years. It’s a great racket.
                                                                                  The authors put forward theories concerning
                                    drugs are the fourth-leading cause of death in the
                        Obama  U.S. They don’t even try to hide that informa-  the real causes of cancer and heart attacks. I don’t
                  complaining       tion. It’s on their website. If you are keeping up  know for sure whether they are right but they are

                       about it.    with current events you know the FDA does not  interesting. Even though most of our readers are
                                    recognize your right to choose your own food  familiar with the general subject, this book is
                                    and local, small farm food options are slowly but  very interesting and well done. Their devastating
                                    surely being outlawed. Here’s a sobering thought:  analysis of how statins work makes it clear that
                                    if this trend continues you will have no choice but  the end result can’t be good even when short term
                                    to patronize the factory food and factory medical  results look promising.
                                    system where the only thing between you and     The Japanese researcher Dr. Akira Endo is
                                    disaster is the competence and integrity of the  credited with finding the first statin. When asked
                                    FDA.                                       why he wouldn’t take it for his own high choles-
                                        In unrelated news, we’re all going to die one  terol, he answered with an inscrutable Japanese
                                    day.                                       proverb, “The indigo dyer wears white trousers.”
                                        I don’t seriously believe that this is how it  To make sense of that you need to know indigo
                                    will ultimately play out, but it could if we let it  dye is toxic.       Review by Tim Boyd
                                    happen. One might wonder why everyone who

                                          MEMBERSHIP POSTER

                                          Membership is the main source of financial support for the many projects of
                                          the Weston A. Price Foundation.  We appreciate your help to increase mem-
                                          bership.  We are happy to send a free copy of our membership poster to those
                                          who will display it.

                                          The poster is 8.5” x 11” with a cardboard flap that allows it to stand. It goes
                                          well with our Dietary Guidelines booklet.  It can be displayed at an exhibit, a
                                          doctor’s office, a library, a farmers market, etc.

                                          If you will display it, please write for a free copy:

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