Page 57 - Fall2012
P. 57

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                Systemic herbs work against broad, dispersed  local plant person to help me with (learning to   Synergistic
                infections that affect the entire body. These herbs  recognize them in the wild).” Perhaps Storey
                pass through the gastrointestinal tract membrane,  Publishing will put out a companion picture   herbs increase
                building up in the circulatory system and entire  volume for readers who must proceed without  the potency
                body. Non-systemic herbs work for targeted in-  a local guide to help with identification of the   of other
                fections, such as ones in the lungs or skin, and  hundred or more plants listed in the book.
                generally do not pass through the gastrointestinal     Second, the resource section is very small—  properties of
                membrane.                                 just two pages—with only one listing actual  both sytemic
                    Synergistic herbs increase the potency  resources. A section helping the uncertain reader   and non-
                of other properties of both systemic and non-  to find a good local herbalist along with ways
                systemic herbal allies. Buhner points out that  to assess his level of competence and expertise   systemic
                this is both an understudied area of herb use and  would have been useful, as would some pointed  herbal allies.

                one of the main reasons why many commercial  guidance on what sorts of questions to pose to
                herbal preparations and drugs based on particular  individuals or companies proffering herbs or
                herbal constituents are either less effective than  herbal formulations.
                they could be or ineffective when compared to     Herbal Antibiotics nevertheless deserves an
                traditional/whole preparations.           enthusiastic rating of both thumbs up. While not
                    Even worse, as occurs with antibiotics,  as accessible to the uninitiated as the first edition,
                isolated constituents may contribute to the de-  this second offering will surely serve an impor-
                velopment of disease resistance. Nature abhors  tant role in equipping people and practitioners to
                simplicity and monoculture. Or put another way,  protect themselves from the modern plagues we
                bacteria are smarter than the scientists seeking  have brought upon our planet’s populace through
                to annihilate them, just like plants and pests are  pride and greed.
                smarter and more adaptable than the herbicides                   Review by John Moody
                and pesticides people spray on their fields. The
                similarities between this micro(bial) problem and
                our macro environmental and farming problems
                are stark and startlingly similar. The root attitude
                of disrespect, disregard and disdain for nature
                and its rhythms, reasoning and wisdom runs
                deeply in both.
                    Herbal Antibiotics culminates with sections
                on strengthening the immune system, a hand-
                book on herbal medicine-making, and a short but   JOURNAL NOW AVAILABLE AS
                highly useful herbal formulary detailing basic     DIGITAL TALKING BOOK
                directions for well over a hundred herbs. The last   FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED
                section is an especially useful quick reference for
                                                               We now have our journal converted
                someone who has mastered the basics of making     into an audio format available for the visually
                certain preparations and tinctures.         impaired. Special software is required for this,
                    The book suffers two small drawbacks. First,   such as Dolphin Easy Reader. Go to the JOUR-
                the lack of pictures, both for the major herbs   NALS tab on our homepage. Starting with Fall
                listed and recommended and for some of the   2011, click the journal you are interested in.
                equipment suggested. Buhner himself addresses   Please tell others! Many thanks to Amy Adams
                this omission, encouraging readers to find “a   of for this service!
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                           57

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