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                Deep Nutrition:                           and other tissues. Shanahan provides interesting
                Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food      information on this process without giving us the
                Catherine Shanahan, MD and Luke Shanahan  key—vitamin A found in organ meats, fish liver
                Big Box Books                             oils, and egg yolks and butterfat from grass-fed
                                                          animals—almost like publishing a recipe but
                    A favorite book among the paleodiet crowd,  leaving out the main ingredient. Vitamin K ,
                Deep Nutrition, takes the WAPF principles and  again mentioned only in passing, plays a critical
                presents them in new and interesting ways. Sha-  role in the development of the middle third of the
                nahan argues passionately for traditional food,  face, ensuring the beautiful high cheekbones that
                embodied in her Four Pillars of traditional cui-  are the hallmark of traditional peoples.
                sine. She is equally passionate about the dangers     Shanahan writes eloquently about how the
                of vegetable oils and sugar, presenting enough  symmetry of the face equates with beauty, but
                evidence to keep her readers off them forever.  with no mention of the fact that it is vitamin A,
                    The book’s main asset is its graceful writ-  available in utero, that ensures this symmetry.
                ing style, rare in books on nutrition and health.  She does not advise pregnant women to take
                Like Michael Pollan’s books, Deep Nutrition is  cod liver oil, only folic acid. She recommends
                highly readable. Consider this beautiful sentence:  cod liver oil as a good source of “long chain es-
                “Every year, growing battalions of familiar  sential fatty acids”—they are not essential in the
                diseases are cutting a wider and wider swath of  strict sense of the word—and does mention in an
                destruction through the normal experiences of  appendix that cod liver oil is a good source of vi-
                childhood.” Or this passage: “Natural fat con-  tamins A and D. She then warns about impurities
                sumption: down. Processed fat consumption: up.  and toxins in cod liver oil, advising consumers
                Heart disease up—way up. Forget for a moment  to purchase only the cleanest fish liver oils, but
                what the experts are saying and ask yourself what  without providing any information on finding a
                these trends suggest to your inner statistician.”  high quality product (this information is available
                    In a sense Shanahan’s writing skills con-  at
                tribute to the book’s many problems. Words flow     Shanahan makes fantastic claims about what
                easily off her pen, often too easily, resulting in  food can do to your genes. “. . . Every bite you eat
                writing that is rushed and scattered, often lacking  changes your genes a little bit,” she writes. “Your
                in thorough explanation, often inaccurate and at  genes are always changing,” is the main theme
                times completely wrong.                   of Deep Nutrition. But in fact, the genes are not
                    Shanahan begins with the work of Weston  always changing. Our genotype is very stable.
                Price, but doesn’t slow down enough to explain  What changes is the expression of the genetic
                his great emphasis on the fat-soluble activators.  blueprint, which indeed is very much tied in
                Yes,  they  are  mentioned—she  says  that  the  with nutrition. Sometimes Shanahan gets it right:
                fat-soluble activators are “Price’s term for vita-  “. . . diet changes how your genes work.” But   In a sense
                mins”―but only in passing, and not as the focus  right from the start, Shanahan implies that you   Shanahan’s
                of his work. This omission is puzzling because  can change your genes to be like Tiger Woods   writing skills
                the fat-soluble activators are key to building the  or Halle Berry.
                beautiful facial structure she extols. In particular,     If one or more genes do change or mutate,   contribute to
                vitamin A acts as the concertmaster for fetal  the effects occur in the womb and are completed   the book’s
                development, providing the instructions that tell  during the period of growth. Once that period   many
                undifferentiated stem cells how to become dif-  is over, eating a healthier diet may improve our
                ferentiated cells for the heart, liver, bones, brain  health, may help us lose weight, may help us   problems.
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