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well known that calcium is readily mobilized  AVERAGE AMERICAN DIET LACKING
                from the bones and teeth when needed for the     To correlate these observations with the problem of caries in the child
                regulation of mineral metabolism. Chemical  who does not exhibit a manifest form or recognized metabolic deficiency,
                analysis of carious teeth shows reduction of the  we must consider the borderline states of nutritional disease conditions and
                calcium and phosphorous. Associated with the  study them in relation to the type of diet which is commonly employed by
                development of tooth decay, the adjacent dentin  the average American family. Analysis of these diets from the standpoint
                becomes softened. These changes, by lowering  of vitamin and mineral adequacy shows them to fall below the optimum
                the physiologic integrity of the dentin, permit  values, sometimes to a marked degree. While their defective character
                bacterial invasion to occur.              might not reveal itself in the case of the adult who is free from undue
                    It would seem reasonable to suppose that,  metabolic strain, the same would not be true of the child, whose require-
                with a correction of conditions leading to meta-  ments of growth and development keep him continuously near the danger
                bolic disturbances, the teeth should develop re-  zone of metabolic imbalance.
                sistance to caries. The spontaneous arrest which     In the case of these diabetic children, with their condition kept quite
                is not uncommon in the adult may be credited in  well under control by dietary and insulin management, we believe that
                part to the relief from metabolic strain associated  because of the intake of a supposedly adequate supply of vitamins and
                with growth. With an approximation of ideal  minerals the caries has become arrested. The employment of similarly
                conditions in childhood, arrest of caries should  adequate diets by the average healthy child should be equally effective in
                result.                                   the prevention and arrest of tooth decay.

                                                            By Kimberly Hartke

                    About one hundred fifty protesters set up a lemonade and raw milk stand on the grassy park near the Capitol reflecting
                pool on Saturday, August 18, 2012. They were protesting the increasing government control over Americans' food choices.
                    “By engaging in peaceful non-compliance, we hope to show how the government is criminalizing normal human behavior,”
                                                          said Liz Reitzig, a Maryland mother of five children.
                                                              A child’s first foray into business is often the traditional front yard
                                                          lemonade stand.  The National Lemonade Freedom Day is now in its second
                                                          year. It is a response to numerous incidents around the U.S. where health
                                                          departments have shut down children’s stands citing their failure to get a
                                                              This year the lemonade protesters were joined by the Raw Milk Freedom
                                                          Riders, a group of moms whose milk supply, direct from local farmers, is
                                                          being disrupted by government agencies.  The two groups were joined by
                                                          other liberty activists concerned about the prosecution of victimless crimes.
                                                              By focusing on “the right to voluntary exchange” these parents hope
                                                          to raise the alarm bell of how rules and regulations are stifling commerce.
                                                          “A child’s lemonade stand is a learning experience. These health inspectors
                                                          are teaching children the wrong thing,” explains Rob Fernandes, founder of
                                                          National Lemonade Freedom Day.
                                                              Margie McKeown, Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor
                                                          in Delaware attended the rally with her daughter. Both of them had
                                                          experienced health benefits as raw milk consumers. “It helped me greatly
                                                          in overcoming Rocky Mountain spotted fever and helped my daughter with
                                                          her allergies,” McKeown said.
                                                              Ajna Sharma Wilson came all the way from Los Angeles, California for
                                                          the rally. She is the attorney for James Stewart. Her sixty-five-year-old client is
                                                          now in a Ventura County jail awaiting trial over raw milk. James is a member
                                                          of Rawesome, a private food co-op which secured raw milk through a goat
                                                          share program. “It is important for me to come to the Capitol and be a part
                                                          of this community. James Stewart is in jail for exercising his freedom, and
                Anja Sharma Wilson, Max Kane and Liz Reitzig   for assisting others to exercise theirs,” said Ajna.
                celebrate food freedoms in the nation's capital.     Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation.
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