Page 47 - Fall2012
P. 47

From the Archives

                                     THE ARREST OF DENTAL CARIES IN CHILDHOOD
                                          By Julian D. Boyd, MD and S.L. Drain, DDS
                                  Journal of the American Medical Association, June 9, 1928

                Editor's Note: This fascinating article, published  tive of caries, and many adult mouths which do
                in 1928, was almost certainly read by Dr. Price.  not receive care and have exposed dentin show
                                                          little carious activity. That some other factor is
                    Dental caries may be properly considered  involved from those mentioned is made presump-
                as a disease of childhood, susceptibility at this  tive by the observations which form the basis of
                age period being almost universal. In surveys  this study.
                of school children it is unusual to find a mouth
                free from caries. The average child will have  UNUSUAL ARREST OF CARIES
                seven or more affected teeth in various stages of     The present report was prompted by some
                destruction. The rate of progress of the carious  unusual observations made in the course of
                process and the number of teeth involved varies  repeated routine examination of patients in the
                with the individual. As the child approaches  dental division of this clinic. The examinations
                maturity, retardation of destruction becomes  disclosed numerous instances of definite arrest
                evident. In some instances active caries may be-  of caries in children. Teeth containing large
                come arrested spontaneously during childhood.  cavities, which ordinarily would have an area
                The factors involved in the inactivation have not  of softened dentin surrounding the zone of de-
                been understood, nor have many instances been  struction, were found instead to be very dense.
                recorded.                                 In these mouths in which there was evidence of
                                                          rapid and extensive involvement of many teeth,
                ETIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIES                 further invasion was shown by subsequent exam-
                    The etiology of dental caries is a subject of  inations to be checked, and open cavities did not
                controversy. It is generally conceded that a break  show any signs of progress months after they had
                in the continuity of the enamel is a primary req-  first been described. Moreover, the occurrence
                uisite. The exposed dentin thus becomes suscep-  of salivary calculous deposits on these teeth was
                tible to attack by external agencies. Any factor  almost universal, and it recurred rapidly after
                leading to enamel defects will thus predispose a  its thorough removal. Salivary calculus, though
                tooth to caries.                          not uncommon in the adult, is very unusual in
                    It is evident, however, that other factors also  the child. Otherwise, these patients did not show
                are involved, for it is not unusual to find in the  anything noteworthy from a dental standpoint.
                middle aged all teeth abraded almost to the gin-  Shedding and eruption were about normal in
                gival margin, with the dentin widely exposed, yet  most cases. The degree of oral hygiene varied
                no evidence of active caries. Various strains of  as greatly as in any unselected group of similar   Some teeth
                bacteria have been described as causative agents.  size. Some teeth showing unquestionable arrest   showing
                It is obvious that the carious process involves a  of caries were found in the most poorly kept
                bacterial factor, but it is questionable whether this  mouths.                       unquestionable
                is due to any specific organism or is a secondary     When these dental observations were cor-  arrest of caries
                invasion of dentin which has previously been  related with the medical histories of the patients,   were found in
                injured in such a way that it cannot withstand  it was found that without exception the children
                the many organisms found in the normal mouth.  with arrested caries were all diabetic patients  the most poorly

                Strict oral hygiene is not necessarily a preven-  who had been under careful management for six   kept mouths.
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