Page 42 - Fall2012
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be added as a salt. Indeed, “nitrite-free” bacon  nitrosamines.
                                    can have twice the nitrite content of bacon cured     Traditional producers leave the bacon to
                                    directly with nitrite salts. “Some convert 40  cure for anywhere from a day to a month before
                                    percent, some convert 90 percent, so the consis-  slow-smoking it over applewood, hickory or other
                                    tency of the residual nitrite is highly variable,”  wood fires, generally from one to three days.
                                    Dr. Bryan says. Yet his biggest concern is not  The extended curing time intensifies the pork
                                    nitrite content but the possibility of bacterial  flavor and shrinks the meat so that the bacon
                                    contamination. “I think it is probably less healthy  doesn’t shrivel and spatter as it cooks. Flavor
                                    than regular cured meats because of the bacteria  can vary quite a bit from producer to producer,
                                    load and the unknown efficacy of conversion by  and is determined by the ingredients of the cure,
                                    the bacteria,” he says. 24                 the method of smoking and the timing. The age,
                                        Nitrites were used traditionally to preserve  gender and breed of the pig, as well as its time
                                    food safely, including cured meat and fish, as well  outdoors, forage and feed all influence the final
                                    as some cheeses. Although improved hygiene and  flavor of the bacon as well as its potential for
                                    availability of refrigeration diminishes the need  health benefits or risks.
                                    for nitrite, it remains useful for its antioxidant
                                    properties, antimicrobial activity, flavor en-  DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS
                                    hancement, and color development. 25-31  Modern     Supermarket bacon may also use sodium
                                    alternatives such as biological acidulants, para-  nitrite, but not in a traditional way. Instead,
                                    bens and sorbates are FDA-approved and gener-  manufacturers opt for fast and cheap methods
                                    ally considered safe. Yet biological acidulants  by which inferior quality factory-farmed meat is
                                    such as sodium and potassium bisulfates have  pumped and plumped with a liquid cure solution
                                    been linked to respiratory problems, including  that includes sodium erythrobate and sodium
                                    lung irritation and coughing,  and parabens  nitrite, along with “liquid smoke,” spices and
                                    are significant endocrine disrupters, with the  flavorings heavy in MSG. After “curing” for a
                                    potential to adversely affect the fertility and sex  few hours, the pork is sprayed with more “liquid
                                    lives of both men and women.  As for sorbates,  smoke” and heated until a smoke-like flavor per-
                                    the mainstream media only warn us about an as-  meates the meat. The pork is then quickly chilled,
                                    sociation with contact dermatitis.  Older studies,  machine-pressed into a uniform shape, sliced,
                                    however, suggested mutagenic sorbate and nitrite  and packaged for sale. Pumped and plumped
                                    reactions. 35,36  Biochemist Galen D. Knight, PhD,  bacon may look big in the package, but shrinks,
                                    is sufficiently concerned to exclude them from  shrivels and spatters when cooked.
                                    his diet: "The sorbates and parasorbates are es-     “Liquid smoke,” a product heavily favored
                                    sentially polyunsaturated fats capable of forming  by big food manufacturers, is produced by burn-
                                    both epoxides and enols, which are carcinogens.  ing wood chips or sawdust, then condensing the
                                    The 'bates should not be in our food supply if we  smoke into solids or liquids and dissolving it in
                                    want to remain healthy."                   water. It is being investigated by the European
                                                                               Food Safety Authority for safety as a food fla-
                                    THE BACON CURE                             voring because of evidence of genotoxicity and
                                        Could it be our ancestors were right after  cytotoxicity. Indeed, one study suggests liquid
                    One study         all? Could it also be that today’s new, improved  smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke
                 suggests that  and supposedly healthy versions of bacon are  concentrate. 38-41
                 liquid smoke       indeed not? The traditional way to make ba-
                        is more     con is dry cured through hand rubbing with a  CONCERNS ABOUT NITRITE
                                                                                  Concerns about the safety of nitrite first
                                    mixture of herbs, sugars, salt, and the sodium
                 carcinogenic  nitrite curing salts. Vitamin C in the mix helps  surfaced in the 1960s when studies showed the
                than cigarette      form the nitrosylheme pigment that gives cured  presence of carcinogenic nitrosamines in bacon
                         smoke      meats their pleasing red color, and, as will be  and other cured meat products. In the early
                                    explained shortly, helps ensure that nitrites con-
                                                                               1970s, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute
                 concentrate.  vert to healthy nitrous oxide and not carcinogenic  of Technology implicated nitrite itself as a car-
               42                                         Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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