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milk and powdered egg ingredients used for  by culturing and pickling. Animals seek out salt   “This notion
                processed, packaged and fast foods, including  licks, Paleo people eat and drink salty blood and
                lowfat and non-fat milks—that contributes to  other animal parts, and biochemists point out that   of ‘nitrite-free’
                heart disease. What’s more, as biochemical  we need sodium and chloride for blood, sweat,   or ‘organically
                textbooks make clear, cholesterol is the mother  tears, mucus and semen. Textbooks “worth their   cured’ meats
                of all hormones, including our reproductive  salt” make all of this abundantly clear, yet the
                and mood hormones.  Thus bacon’s cholesterol  U.S. government guidelines recommend drastic   is a public
                content may be part of the reason it enjoys such  reductions in salt intake. Sadly, low-salt diets   deception.”
                a reputation as a “feel good” food.       increase the likelihood of heart disease, hyper-
                                                          tension, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, insulin
                HEART OF THE MATTER                       resistance and erectile dysfunction. 21,22  Given
                    Even so, “everyone knows” bacon’s bad for  today’s epidemic of chronic illness, that’s pour-
                us, and Dr. Barnard would have us think it’s a  ing salt on a gaping healthcare wound! And it’s
                veritable risk factor for heart disease. In fact,  a poor reason indeed to avoid bacon.
                bacon might be good for the heart. And not just
                because it makes us happy, though that’s surely  FEAR OF NITRITES
                a plus! Monounsaturated fat—the primary fat     For members of the Weston A. Price Founda-
                in bacon—is widely lauded for reducing inflam-  tion, the big issue is not fear of fat, cholesterol
                mation and lowering blood pressure, while the  or salt, but fear of nitrites, which have been as-
                antimicrobial palmitoleic content in bacon fat  sociated with cancer and many other ills. Indeed,
                can keep plaque at bay. Triglycerides too may  studies such as the recent one out of Harvard
                improve because bacon fat is especially good  make the headlines so often that nearly all edu-
                at helping us achieve satiety and stable blood  cated, health-conscious consumers think they
                sugar. Bacon can thus be useful for diabetics and  should either avoid processed meats altogether
                prediabetics as well as everyone else coping with  or choose “uncured bacons” that are advertised
                sugar cravings and carbohydrate addictions.  as “nitrite-free.” Popular brands assumed to be
                    Promoting bacon as a red hot ticket to weight  healthy include Niman, Bieler, Applegate, Cole-
                loss might seem over the top, but eggs and bacon  man’s and nearly every other bacon brand found
                do add up to a high-fat, high-protein, low-carb  at Whole Foods Market or other health food
                breakfast. They not only help people start their  stores.
                day feeling happy, but can reduce hunger pangs     The question is, are these “uncured” bacons
                and rev the metabolism. For many people, ba-  healthier?
                con’s signature salty and savory sweetness is
                a treat that reduces feelings of deprivation and  DECEIVING THE PUBLIC
                lack. It can help people transition away from high     The short answer is no. Nathan S. Bryan,
                carb diets and overcome carb addictions. And  PhD, of the School of Medicine at the Univer-
                by stabilizing blood sugar, bacon helps prevent  stiy of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,
                mood swings, reduces anxiety, improves focus  pulls no punches when he states, “This notion
                and enhances coping skills.               of ‘nitrite-free’ or ‘organically cured’ meats is a
                                                          public deception.” 23
                SALT OF THE EARTH                             Traditionally bacon was cured by adding
                    Those not worried about bacon’s fat and cho-  sodium nitrite salts directly to the meat. Today
                lesterol content often fret about the salt. Sodium  most manufacturers of “nitrite free” brands add
                restriction, of course, is the latest goal of the Food  celery salt, which is about fifty percent nitrate,
                Police despite underwhelming evidence that salt  plus a starter culture of bacteria. This transforms
                contributes to high blood pressure and heart  the nitrate found naturally in the celery salt into
                disease. In fact, Americans today eat about half  nitrite, which cures the meat.
                the salt they consumed during the good old days     Although manufacturers label this bacon
                prior to refrigeration when meat and fish were  “nitrite-free,” this method actually generates
                preserved by salting and curing, and vegetables  more nitrite from the celery salt than would ever
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