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cinogen. The MIT study involved direct feeding  widely, with different choices and concentrations   There is
                of nitrite to laboratory rats and later studies did  of spices, sodium nitrite and sometimes sodium
                not support the headline-making conclusion that  nitrate. The USDA now recommends that pro-  probably
                nitrite induces cancer. The USDA’s concern then  cessors not add sodium nitrate because it is not   nothing
                shifted to the formation of nitrosamines from  necessary and the conversion of nitrate to nitrite   wrong with
                nitrite combining with the amines available in  is variable and somewhat unpredictable.
                meat, with regulators weighing the possible risk                                     a good old-
                of cancer against nitrite’s traditional and well-  FAT IN THE FEEDS                  fashioned
                proven role protecting us from botulism and other     From the WAPF point of view, the most in-  bacon cured
                forms of food poisoning.  42              teresting and helpful findings concern the effect
                    Since then commercial bacon has been heav-  of fatty acid composition on nitrosamine forma-  with a precise
                ily studied and subject to regulatory monitoring  tion. After all, factory-farmed pigs routinely eat   amount of
                of nitrosamine levels. Although nitrosamines  feeds that include soy, corn and other inferior oils   sodium nitrite
                have been found in many cured meats, they  while pastured pigs generally consume a more
                are most consistently found in fried bacon. 43-50   nutritious mix, often soy-free and in the best   curing salts.
                A look at the research, however, shows it to be  circumstances based on whey. In 1984, research-
                inconsistent, contradictory and confusing.   ers discovered that bacon from pigs fed corn oil-
                    Over the years, most scientists have blamed  supplemented diets contains significantly higher
                the nitrosamines on frying although some data  levels of the nitrosamines n-nitrosopyrrolidine
                suggest nitrosamines can be produced as an ar-  and n-nitrosodimethylamine compared to con-
                tifact during the analytical procedure whenever  trols. They also reported that bacon from pigs fed
                residual nitrite is present.  Wood smoke has  a coconut fat-supplemented diet contains signifi-
                also been blamed though the culprit might actu-  cantly lower levels of n-nitrosopyrrolidine but no
                ally be “liquid smoke.”  In 1973, the Canadian  significant difference in n-nitrosodimethylamine
                Department of Agriculture found preformed  levels compared to controls.
                nitrosamines in the readymade spice mixes     Given that the controls were fed a standard
                favored by Big Ag bacon processors as well as  commercial corn and soy-based diet supple-
                many of the smaller producers. After the USDA  mented with vitamins and minerals, we can only
                confirmed the Canadian findings, regulators  wonder what might be found with bacon sourced
                made these spice mixes illegal.  The USDA also  from optimally nourished, pastured pigs. Be that
                soon required the use of sodium erytrobates and/  as it may, one of the researchers’ conclusions is
                or ascorbates in bacon processing after consistent  telling: “Fatty acid analyses of the adipose tissue
                research findings indicated these substances  of the bacon samples indicated that n-nitrosopyr-
                pushed nitrosamine levels way down.       rolidine levels in bacon correlated well with the
                    Obviously some of the nitrosamine problem  degree of unsaturation of the adipose tissue.”
                stems from industrial processing. The USDA  Other research supports the connection between
                may have outlawed certain spice mixes back in  nitrosamine formation and the fatty acid profiles
                the 1970s, but preformed nitrosamines might  of animal feed and meat. Nitrosamines show up
                well exist in the latest generation of artificial and  more frequently in the fat than in the lean. 57-59
                “natural” flavorings and “liquid smokes.” Also     The takeaway is clear: choose bacon from
                worrisome are references to “meat batters” and  pastured pigs. That said, finding genuine, tradi-
                to high pressure, high temperature processing  tionally cured artisanal bacon is very difficult.
                methods known to produce nitrosamines and     Many artisanal farmers do produce their
                routinely used to produce commercial bacon.   bacon using the dry salt way without added
                    Choosing dry cured or “country style” bacon  nitrites, relying on salt, good sanitary practices
                made by small producers would seem to be a  and refrigeration to prevent contamination. Most
                safer option, but in some instances might gen-  “no added nitrate or nitrates” products are honest
                erate even higher levels of n-nitrosopyrrolidine  compared to the newfangled celery salt “un-
                (NPYR) after frying compared to pump-cured  cured” bacons, and are obviously far healthier
                bacon.  The problem is processing methods vary  than supermarket pumped and plumped bacon-
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