Page 51 - Fall2012
P. 51

stead she was analyzed as ADD, she would have  homeopath was interested in what made Maria tick. Her fears, pleasures,
                been bundled in with restless children who bite,  food interests and aversions. Even her sleep positions would be useful to a
                but Maria wasn’t a restless biter. Regardless of  homeopath sniffing out the cause and remedy choice for such an individual.
                the differences between the personalities within     The homeopath appeared curious, like a detective seeking clues, in
                the diagnostic categories, all of those in it would  spite of Maria’s spicy language, as she looked for pieces of the puzzle as
                be given the same drugs, often in the same  to what may have sparked the original changes in Maria. That’s when her
                frequency. Despite the diagnosis, the prognosis  mother relayed the string of ear infections “treated” by antibiotics. The
                would have been the same: psychotropic drugs  homeopath was interested in this information and focused in on which
                for many months, maybe years.             antibiotics were administered.
                    Even more important, conventional medi-     One antibiotic had been used for the first and second ear infections.
                cine has little or no interest in the etiology of  By the time the fifth infection presented, Maria was put on a daily dose
                an illness. "Idiopathic" is a common term in al-  of another, more powerful antibiotic for close to a year. What followed
                lopathy. It means “we have no idea how you got  was a series of stomach pains, alternating diarrhea and constipation, and
                sick.” Homeopathy considers the exciting cause  impressive temper tantrums. Maria’s parents relayed how she would slam
                to be a critical factor. In light of these factors,  her legs against the wall sometimes for hours, when she was supposed
                Maria’s family sought the aid of a homeopath.   to be sleeping. They also awkwardly confessed that Maria began using
                    True to form, the appointment with the  curse words, even though they couldn’t figure out where she had learned
                homeopath had to be rescheduled twice before  them; particularly the pungent, sexually explicit ones she spewed when
                Maria was ready to cooperate without a tantrum.  she entered kindergarten.
                When they finally met, the interview was com-     One of the more disturbing symptoms was that at the age of ten Maria
                forting. Even Maria seemed less agitated.   became fearful of dying. This was no run of the mill fear, but sometimes
                    They learned that homeopathy is a dis-  terrorizing panic. She blamed her parents for bringing her into this
                tinctive treatment for distinctive people. The  wretched world; words that seared Mrs. Reyne’s heart.

                                                         LIARS DON'T PLAY CHESS

                      No one can lie to us and get away with it if we’re not disposed to being vulnerable. I caution my student-clients that
                  stepping into the conventional medical arena needs to be played like a game of chess. You wouldn’t place your precious
                  queen on the middle of the board, pull your hands away, and simply hope for the best. A seasoned chess player would
                  imagine what the other player may do with his bishop or knight. Then he’d visualize his next set of options based on
                  those potential moves.
                      Maria was the Reynes' queen. Initially, they unwittingly relied on that first antibiotic to remove the early ear infec-
                  tions. Now they know they should have done their homework and asked what the long term effects of antibiotics could
                  represent. They also agree that they should have asked what would happen if they had refused antibiotics. Now they
                  wish they had known of the later manifestations of suppressed ear infections and the dangers of the drugs used to treat
                  them. Today the Reynes admit that they had not learned to play the game well enough. This doesn’t mean that a doctor
                  is necessarily an opponent. Yet it must be acknowledged that no one will consider our queen as valuable as we do. And
                  unfortunately in our litigious world, doctors are required to practice defensive medicine. That is, superfluous drugs and
                  tests are often ordered because the attending doctor could be legally responsible for not having followed the standard
                  of practice, regardless of his private opinion.
                      Equally important, pediatricians and family practitioners are not educated as to the long-term effects of drugs because
                  there are no double blind tests done on children, nor are they tested on adults for more than a few months. The only
                  way for a doctor to recognize future issues is to have stepped outside the box and observed it clinically. He’d have to be
                  aware of the time line and connect the dots on his own. This often doesn’t happen unless some adverse effects happen
                  to members of his own family.
                      Interestingly, in England, childhood otitis media is usually treated with nothing but a good dose of rest and perhaps
                  an analgesic ( ges/Treatment.aspx). If and when the ear drum ruptures,
                  as it is allowed to do, the pediatrician expects that it will subsequently heal satisfactorily on its own, often allowing the
                  events to end permanently.
                      As parents, it is up to us to learn the moves to make on the chess board. If we don’t do our homework, we’re easy
                  prey to an alliance that has already memorized a sequence of moves designed to direct the parent seamlessly onto their
                  side of the chess board. If we’ve done our groundwork, we will recognize the patterns and block the offense.
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                           51

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