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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                trial fats and oils is marred by the introduction  soy can be part of a healthy diet; that the only source of CLA is milk fat
                of a new term, “megatrans,” to describe the  (all the fat of grass-fed animals contains CLA); that liver is the best source
                toxic brew of byproducts in modern cooking  of vitamin D (ruminant liver contains very little vitamin D); that Gaelic
                oils. The term is not used by biochemists and  Islanders built their houses of grass.
                is inappropriate because these oils, however     Most seriously, she misinterprets the work of Francis Pottenger, who
                dangerous, contain very little trans fats. Those  she says “gives us valuable insights into the potential long-term conse-
                they do contain are created by the deodorizing  quences of overcooking." What Pottenger’s research showed was that
                process, not by heating as she claims.    any cooking is bad for cats, and by implication, humans need some raw
                    Shanahan jumps on sugar with a mighty  animal foods in their diets. But raw meats are not included in any of her
                hammer, providing several interesting examples  four pillars
                of patients whose health improved after eliminat-     Many statements in the book require references, such as the claim
                ing sugar, but again with little heed to accuracy.  that gut bacteria can produce all the vitamins we need except for vitamin
                For example, just reducing sugar consumption  D, or that first-born girls get “blunted uterine estrogen signals.”
                in pregnancy will not guarantee a perfect face     Shanahan believes that the rich are eating healthy traditional foods
                in offspring, as she claims. She says that eating  denied to the poor. In fact, the diet of the rich in America is equally as bad
                sugar coats our cells in sugar, but our cells are  as that of the poor. George Bush may have enjoyed a sumptuous White
                supposed to have a coating of sugar molecules.  House inaugural dinner but his favorite food was Butterfingers candy
                    The key problem with this chapter is the  bars crushed up on his cold breakfast cereal. The privileged do not “eat
                insistence that sugar and starch have the same  the way we all used to” as she claims; in fact most wealthy women suffer
                effect on the body. Sugar breaks down into glu-  under the self-imposed agony of permanent lowfat diets.
                cose and fructose while starch breaks down into     The real breakdown in Deep Nutrition comes at the end, with dietary
                glucose alone (she mistakenly says that grain is a  suggestions that go against large portions of her text. Dinner suggestions
                source of fructose); studies carried out by Meira  include starchy foods like spaghetti, pizza (homemade, but with the crust),
                Field at the USDA found that at 30 percent of  rice and potatoes. Nut butters are high on her list, but they are never
                calories, only fructose had deleterious effects in  mentioned in the main text. Drinking a lot of pasteurized, homogenized
                rats. In fact, many traditional diets were some-  “organic” milk is fine if you can’t get raw milk, she says. And then there are
                what high in starches, in the form of grains and  the sweets that she warns against so passionately—sweet wine, homemade
                tubers. Starch does not raise the blood sugar as  cookies and chocolate. One breakfast suggestion is crepes with whipped
                precipitously as sugar, as Shanahan shows on the  cream and fresh fruit.
                very same page as her claim that starch is as bad     Only two recipes are provided, one for broth and one for liver. Where
                as sugar. In the context of a healthy diet contain-  are the recipes for Filipino dishes like pigs knuckle soup she describes so
                ing plenty of fat-soluble activators, the adrenal  eloquently? Or the Filipino-style salmon head soup? or paté? or the beef
                gland can easily handle the gradual influx of  heart strips topped with bone marrow medallions that she and her husband
                glucose into the bloodstream from starchy foods.  enjoy? This book needs much more attention to the practical aspects of
                Along with sugar, Shanahan should inform her  traditional diets and the recommendations need to be consistent with
                readers that coffee can also raise blood sugar and  Shanahan's text.
                stress the adrenal gland; but Shanahan thinks     It's a shame we have to give this book a Thumbs Down. Shanahan
                coffee is fine.                           has the potential for becoming an important voice in the traditional diet
                    The book contains numerous factual errors:  movement. But she needs to spend some real time and thought on a sec-
                B deficiencies lead to weak bones, diabetes and  ond edition, working with a knowledgeable editor who has a sharp eye
                more, she says, but the reference for that state-  for inconsistencies, hyperbole, conjecture and mistakes. Many of the il-
                ment is about vitamin D; Shanahan calls retinoids  lustrations need reworking as well. Shanahan's rich text and cornucopia
                (not carotenes) vitamin A precursors, but later in  of ideas deserve a long life, but it won't happen unless she makes major
                the book she gets it right; she claims that whole  revisions.                 Review by Sally Fallon Morell
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