Page 59 - Fall2012
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol  so good if you’re taking it. Brown and Goldstein,
                and Kill You One Cell at a Time           two of the main researchers for Merck, wrote a
                by James B. Yoseph and Hannah Yoseph, MD  treatise explaining how statins lower cholesterol
                Published by James B. Yoseph              and won a Nobel prize. They probably thought
                and Hannah Yoseph, MD                     that was great, too. I suppose one might be
                                                          impressed with the slick way they avoided any
                    As you may gather from this book’s title,  discussion of the disastrous side effects of statins.
                Yoseph and Yoseph are not advocates of statin     By the time Yoseph and Yoseph finish
                drugs. They give their readers a detailed his-  explaining the history and mechanism of statin
                tory of the development of statins along with an  drugs, we are left with limited options. Either
                explanation of precisely what statins do to cell  doctors who prescribe them don’t really under-
                biology. This information is clearly referenced  stand how they work, don’t understand basic cell
                and displayed in boxes interleaved in the text at  biology, or don’t care about that as much as they
                the appropriate places. If you don’t want to read  care about their salaries. The authors point out the
                all the details in the references you can skip the  fundamental conflict of interest in our medical
                boxes and read on. If you want to investigate the  system.
                references immediately, they are right before you.     Some of our readers may remember that
                I like it. Clearly, the authors know this subject  Merck was forced to recall the painkiller Vioxx
                is controversial so they back up everything they  when the number of people having heart attacks
                say as sturdily as possible.              became too large to hide. You may also remember
                    Because one of the authors is an MD and  the embarrassing fact that Merck happened to
                they are covering all the details, there is a certain  know about that problem before it ever released
                amount of technicalese in the book but it is all  the drug onto the market. The authors of this
                adequately explained and therefore understand-  book remind us of that debacle and go on to docu-
                able if you pay attention.                ment the same pattern of behavior in the case   Since
                    Early statin research was carried out by  of lovastatin (Merck’s bestselling statin drug).   modern
                Sankyo in Japan and Merck in the United States  Conflict of interest has motivated Merck and
                and came to a screeching halt when all the lab  other pharmaceutical companies to misbehave   medicine
                animals developed cancer. The research also  in a number of cases that are a matter of public   has been so
                clearly showed that statins work by disrupting the  record.                          effective at
                mevalonate pathway. What essentially happens     The NIH-backed National Cholesterol Edu-
                when you shut down the mevalonate pathway is  cation Program (NCEP) set national policy for   convincing
                that cellular DNA can no longer replicate itself.  lowering cholesterol with statins. All doctors who   everyone that
                As an added bonus, the cell dies.         established NCEP guidelines had financial ties   cholesterol is
                    The American researchers in particular  to pharmaceutical companies who make more
                overcame this serious obstacle by jettisoning  money if recommended cholesterol levels are   to be feared
                any inconvenient morals they might have had  lower.                                  above all else,
                and forging ahead with development of the drug.     Continuing the conflict-of-interest theme,   there was
                There is no question that statin drugs reduce  we come to the FDA. In an advisory committee
                cholesterol in the bloodstream. Since modern  meeting held to review guidelines for lovastatin,   much money
                medicine has been so effective at convincing  the meeting was not chaired by an FDA employee   to be made
                everyone that cholesterol is to be feared above  but by a Merck consultant. The advisory com-  from statin
                all else, there was much money to be made with  mittee included two Merck consultants and seven
                such a drug. That’s great if you’re selling it, not  Merck employees. Half of the audience was made   drugs.
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