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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                Living as Nature Intended                 throughout the body; and helping maintain blood
                by Dr. Shagufta Feroz                     pressure, blood sugar regulation and electrolyte
                Nastalique Publications                   balance. That is merely the very short list.
                                                              UCLA research compiled another list of
                    One common, off-the-cuff mainstream  behaviors associated with a healthy lifestyle. If
                criticism of alternative medicine is that it is not  you want to try those suggestions, they would
                evidence-based. It is not possible for anyone who  be: sleeping seven or eight hours a night, eating
                works for or advocates conventional medicine  breakfast, not eating between meals, maintaining
                to say that without dangling from one of the  normal weight, regular physical activity, engag-
                higher peaks of hypocrisy. Even if you don’t  ing in moderate drinking, and not smoking. A
                agree, the fact that large crowds are increasingly  quote from the May 2007 issue of the Journal
                giving the alternatives a try indicates there is a  of the American Medical Association says “Evi-
                problem with the mainstream. Many people’s  dently, the ruse is over regarding the need for
                personal experience with conventional medicine  useless drugs. . . especially when simple lifestyle
                is unsatisfactory, so who cares if it is scientific?  changes are just as effective. . . ” The British
                Perhaps we should not gullibly accept everything  Medical Journal stated that lifestyle changes
                published on Medline just because it is published  are at least as effective as prescription drugs in
                on Medline.                               reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The New
                    Dr. Feroz, a WAPF chapter leader in Paki-  England Journal of Medicine confirmed that
                stan, is obviously not suggesting that we immerse  statement.
                ourselves in conventional medicine in order to      Dr. Feroz quotes an observation to the effect   DNA
                live as nature intended. She covers a wide range  that exercise is generally useless for weight loss.   generates
                of alternative subjects. One topic briefly touched  My personal experience is that while that opinion
                is the fascinating work of Dr. Fritz Albert Popp  is controversial, it is nevertheless true. Exercise   very weak,
                on the biophoton field. He has found that DNA  is a good thing but won’t help most people much   coherent
                generates very weak, coherent (laser-like) sig-  with weight loss if diet is not addressed, but not   signals at
                nals at frequencies of several billion hertz and  in the way it is conventionally considered. An-
                uses those signals to communicate among cells.  other controversial observation along the same   frequencies of
                Unfortunately, cell phones also operate at those  lines is that calorie counting is a huge scam. I   several
                frequencies so getting too cozy with your cell  would have to agree with that too. In fact, if you   billion hertz
                phone is not going to be good for your health.   are a patient of Dr. Feroz, you are not allowed
                    This book takes a holistic approach to health  to count calories. That should be a no-brainer.   and uses
                and a lot of subjects are covered over a lot of  Many people have been desperately depriving   those
                pages. The nutrition theme is pervasive and is  themselves of calories (or trying to) for decades   signals to
                consistent with WAPF principles.          now. Look around. How’s that working out?
                    The importance of liver health is another     Timing is everything. That might be a slight   communicate
                major theme. Problems with the liver eventually  exaggeration but timing is discussed extensively   among cells.
                cascade into problems all over the body. There  as it relates to a healthy lifestyle. It makes a   Unfortunately
                are at least thirty metabolic functions performed  difference when you sleep, how long you sleep,
                by the liver. While filtering and detoxification  when you eat breakfast and other meals. The con-  cell phones
                functions are well-known, other lesser-known  nection between lack of sleep and lack of health   also operate
                functions include storing minerals and vitamins,  is pretty well known by now. It seems that eating   at those
                including fat-soluble vitamins; constructing  breakfast is correlated with a smaller waist and
                about fifty thousand enzyme systems used                        Continued on page 63  frequencies.
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