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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                                    The Starch Solution                        scratching my head (maybe I should scratch my
                                    by John A. McDougall, MD                   armpit) and here’s why. We have “mapped the
                                    and Mary McDougall                         human genome” which seems to lead people
                                    Rodale Books 2012                          to believe we have it all figured out. This is not
                                                                               even remotely true, which makes any sweeping
                                        Starch is the key to optimum health accord-  claims based on DNA analysis shaky at best. The
                                    ing to Dr. McDougall. Eat a starch-based diet  gene-coding DNA usually referred to in these
                                    and eschew animal products and you, too, can  comparisons is only a very small percentage of
                                    be healthy. He admits that his MD degree gave  total DNA. For many years that other DNA was
                                    him no help in the field of nutrition (and he does  referred to as junk DNA until science changed its
                                    need help). I don’t know if McDougall came up  mind (again) and decided it is not junk but plays
                                    with this starch idea himself, but he also doesn't  a very important role. When you take all of that
                                    claim to be the first to buy into this theory. He  DNA into consideration, it turns out we are not
                                    points to a lot of purported evidence to support  just hairless chimps.
                                    such an assertion.                            Slippery phrases like “experts agree” and
                                        Literally from page one of The Starch Solu-  “there is no disagreement about this whatso-
                                    tion McDougall points to the Chinese as proof  ever among scientists” appear and I still can’t
                                    of the supremacy of a starch-based diet, and  resist reacting to that. Never in history have all
                                    already I’m scratching my head. The Chinese  the experts really agreed on anything. Even if
                                    are not generally vegan and not exceptionally  McDougall meant that the majority of experts
                                    healthy. From there we tour the globe from the  agree, more often than not that just means col-
                                    perspective of ancient times to those more re-  lusion or some powerful corporation has flooded
                                    cent. McDougall recognizes the belief that the  the literature with pseudo-science in order to sell
                                    European Paleolithic diet consisted mainly of  something.
                                    animal foods but points to traces of grains found     Chapter Three tells us about the five major
                                    on grinding tools from that time period to argue  poisons found in animal foods. This is where it
                                    with that point of view. How that proves anything  really gets good. The five villains are methionine,
                                    about animal foods in their diet leaves me still  protein, fats, cholesterol, and dietary acid found
                      We have       scratching my head.                        in pretty much all animal foods. The essential
                                        Later on, he cherry-picks some data from  amino acid methionine, found in meat, fish, eggs,
                 "mapped the          Africa about the Bantu to support starchy vegan  cheese, etc., is a toxin? Among other things, this
                         human  diets. According to Weston Price, who actually  essential amino acid stands accused of causing
                      genome"       went to Africa, the Bantu were not as rugged as  foul-smelling gas and stools. Okay, if you sound

                  which leads       the neighboring Masai, who are decidedly not  like you’re playing a tuba underwater in the
                                    vegetarian. Tribes who ate animal foods clearly  bathroom and smell even worse, you may well
                     people to  dominated tribes who didn’t and took their lunch  have a problem but I don’t think methionine is
                    believe we      money to boot. Many African tribes including  likely to be your biggest culprit.
                     have it all    those who didn’t eat a lot of animal foods did eat     Dr. McDougall’s claims get more question-
                                    bugs and were not quite as vegan as some would  able from there but he does provide at least some
                   figured out  have us believe.                               references so before I go on I want to review the
                  when this is          Right after we finish our world tour, we  basic principle I use to sort this out. This book
                      not even      are told that our DNA proves that we are starch  amply demonstrates that you can find studies on
                                    eaters. This claim is based on the similarity  Medline, the Internet, and whatever else to back
               remotely true.       between human and chimpanzee DNA. I’m still  up veganism, or the Atkins diet, or anything in

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