Page 64 - Fall2012
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                                    The Emperor’s New Drugs:                   given ever larger doses of antidepressants, any
                                    Exploding the Antidepressant Myth          improvements in levels of depression are likely
                                    By Irving Kirsch, PhD                      due to the “enhanced placebo effect.” How do we
                                    Random House, 2009                         know this? Because patients who took increased
                                                                               amounts of placebos showed just the same sorts
                                        Dr. Irving Kirsch originally set out inno-  of improvements as those who took increased
                                    cently enough to investigate the placebo effect  amounts of antidepressants! This means that a
                                    of antidepressant drugs. During the course of  sugar pill would have worked just as well as the
                                    his investigations, however, a series of surpris-  prescription drug. The problem with high doses
                                    ing discoveries led him to the conclusion that  of antidepressants as opposed to placebos is not
                                    the actual “antidepressant effects” of the drugs  merely that they don’t work, but that at higher
                                    ranged from ineffective to downright dangerous,  doses, they do much, much more harm, as their
                                    including both minor and truly harmful and of-  side effects become seriously magnified, and
                                    ten fatal side effects such as diabetes, increased  often fatal.
                                    risk of heart attacks, severe weight gain, nausea     Dr. Kirsch further suggests that patients
                                    and insomnia to name a few. Dr. Kirsch doesn't  given antidepressants as opposed to placebos in
                                    claim that antidepressants work any better than   supposedly blind trials “improve” because they
                                    placebos. In the reverse, he claims that placebos  frequently “break blind,” which means that they
                                    work about as well as antidepressants but with  develop terrible side effects from the drug and
                                    none of the harmful side effects. Thus, placebos  deduce—accurately—that they got the “real
               Dr. Kirsch has       are actually powerful medicine.            deal” as opposed to the placebo. This psycho-
                                        How do you measure depression? This is  logical trick actually produces an “enhanced
                systematically        important to know for those individuals who  placebo effect” because patients feel better as a
                  stripped the      might visit a doctor at some point in their lives  result of knowing that they got the drug and not

               antidepressant       complaining of depression. A doctor determines  the placebo.
              efficacy claims       a patient’s level of depression based upon a     Dr. Kirsch analyzed thirty-eight clinical tri-
                                    numerical scoring method called the Hamilton  als of major antidepressants, involving thousands
                     by dint of     Scale. This Hamilton Rating Scale for Depres-  of depressed patients, and as a result presents a
                    large-scale     sion, or HRSD, is a summation of scores com-  shattering and methodically analyzed indictment

               meta-analyses        piled by doctors based on interviews and obser-  of antidepressant efficacy, Big Pharma data-doc-
                                    vations of patients. As Dr. Kirsch explains, “The  toring, and FDA collusion and complicity—all
                 that indicate      doctor rates the patient’s mood, thoughts about  of which come at a large cost to human health.
                   75 percent       suicide, sleep disturbances and other symptoms     Depression is a heterogeneous condition
                           of an    of depression. For example one point is given if  and is much more complex than lowered levels
                                    the patient feels that life is not worth living, and  of say, serotonin, Kirsch asserts. In fact rigorous
             antidepressant’s       four points are given if the person has made a  research shows that reducing serotonin levels,
              efficacy comes        serious suicide attempt. The result is a numerical  even dramatically, in healthy individuals has ab-
                        from its    score that can range from zero to fifty-one.  solutely no effect whatsoever on their depression
                                        Dr. Kirsch has systematically stripped the  levels. That is to say, they do not get depressed

              placebo effect,       antidepressant efficacy claims by dint of large-  at all! If reducing serotonin levels does not cause
                    a mere 25       scale meta-analyses that indicate 75 percent of an  depression in a healthy person, how could we
                 percent from       antidepressant’s efficacy comes from its placebo  make the illogical leap that raising serotonin
                                    effect, a mere 25 percent from the drug itself.  levels will make a depressed person feel better?
               the drug itself.     Worse, for severely depressed patients who are  We have been bombarded with “low serotonin”

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