Page 50 - Fall2012
P. 50

Homeopathy Journal

                                         HOW DO YOU SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE MARIA?
                                            By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)

                                        No one could blame Angie and Arnold for  thought of resorting to drugs rang like a distant
                                    their parental strictness. In fact most wished  bell that warned the Reynes of danger. Mr. Reyne
                                    they’d kick it up a notch. To say that one of their  had been suspicious of drugs used to alter behav-
                                    offspring was hyper stimulated is a turn of phrase  ior after reading The Myth of Mental Illness by
                                    reserved for gracious company. Neighbors,  Thomas Szasz, MD.
                                    teachers and relatives used more graphic terms     Besides, the Reynes shunned drugs of com-
                                    to describe the Reynes’ fourteen-year-old Maria.  merce in general, ever since Mr. Reyne suffered
                                        Maria kicked at the boundaries of conven-  persistent leg cramps and loss of libido as a
                                    tion. She was primal and plucky. She was gutsy  result of taking prescribed statins a few years
                                    and experimental. Her personality was nothing  earlier. And their nineteen-year-old son devel-
                                    the Reynes had ever witnessed.             oped asthma after steroid use for fatigue from
                                        Maria’s worn out mother soothed her ma-  exams. Their youngest was left with diarrhea
                                    ternal heart with the thought that her daughter’s  from an antibiotic about the same time. They
                                    “spirited” disposition might eventually serve her  were especially suspicious of drugs that could
                                    well in the harsh world of adulthood. Her father  alter behavior, although that certainly would’ve
                                    knew better, however. So did the neighbors.   been welcome about now, but not at the cost of
                                        Maria’s behavior was never quite right. Well,  worsening Maria’s symptoms in the future.
                                    perhaps she had actually been a rather normal     The Reynes investigated the side effects of
                                    child before that first ear infection at age four.  Wellbutrin on to appease their rela-
                                    Yes, thought her mother, she started having tem-  tive and found this gruesome listing: “Bizarre
                                    per tantrums shortly after those illnesses. What  behavior; confusion; decreased concentration
                                    was it about those infections that would make her  and coordination; exaggerated reflexes; fainting;
                                    daughter turn into such a…? But she couldn’t say  hallucinations; memory loss; new or worsening
                                    the word. After all, Maria is her child.   agitation, panic attacks, aggressiveness, impul-
                                        But it was easy for others to say. Maria was a  siveness, irritability, hostility.”
                Conventional  brat. She was demanding, embarrassing, overtly      The same site showed the makers of Cym-
                medicine has        rude and even promiscuous, if one could say that  balta reporting that “new or worsening mental or
                    little or no    about a fourteen-year-old. The way she dressed  mood changes including concentration problems,
                                    reminded the neighbors of women from a dif-  depression, panic attacks, aggressiveness, agita-
                interest in the  ferent part of town. Maria’s father had to police  tion and anxiety” were reported as side effects
                    etiology of     her clothing and whereabouts daily. Sometimes  of their product.

                   disease. By      he was successful. Sometimes not. When he was
                                    not attentive, Maria would wear a bustier under  MAKING A CHOICE
                       contrast  her sweater that later became her outer wear and     Besides the fact that conventional medicine
                 homeopathy         other shenanigans would ensue.             often leaves a wake of long-term side effects and
                considers the           To say that the Reynes were heartbroken  homeopathy does not, modern medicine places
                                    and exhausted is underreporting the effect this  behavioral problems into diagnostic categories.
               exciting cause  child had on the family. Maria was an alarming  That is, a large number of people are placed into
                     of disease     problem.                                   the same small diagnostic class. For example,
                                        Once, a cousin who is a psychiatrist sug-
                        to be a       gested that Maria might have a chemical imbal-  if Maria was considered manic depressive, she
                                                                               would share this diagnosis with children who
                critical factor.    ance and that a drug could be prescribed. The  were inactive or suicidal. That didn’t fit. If in-
               50                                         Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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