Page 56 - Fall2020
P. 56
The proposed HG: What is the medical community looking to as we’re seeing now, and what we witnessed
Covid do, and what is your perspective on that? What was paralysis and death as a consequence. The
cure was infinitely worse than whatever it was
do you think we should do next?
vaccine, an intended to treat. Now history is repeating itself.
RNA-based AW: The response of the medical community The hope is that no one will remember or will
vaccine, is the one it uses when it has no answers. It’s be reminded of that history as they rush toward
increasingly recognized—certainly in the upper the market in these circumstances.
has never echelons of public health and the pharmaceutical I do not think a vaccine is the answer. I’m
been used companies—that they’ve created this problem, much more inclined to believe that natural herd
in humans though they don’t wish to discuss it. And so, immunity is an answer. I believe that those who
as ever with medicine, the recommendation is are resistant to this infection—including young,
before—but “take more,” “up the dose.” For example, more healthy people—should be exposed to the infec-
here it is booster doses of MMR [measles-mumps-rubella tion, get it and develop natural herd immunity.
being put vaccine], and booster-booster doses. It doesn’t And those who are susceptible—the elderly
work. Any immunity that’s induced by those and those with comorbid conditions—should
into humans boosters is short-lived and exacerbates the be protected and isolated for a period of time
without problem, but there is no answer. I’m sure that such that natural herd immunity can develop.
proper safety within the research and development (R&D) de- What we’re seeing in Sweden, for example, is
partment of pharmaceutical companies involved just this strategy. No lockdown and an attempt,
testing. with developing vaccines, there is a great deal I imagine, to just let this play itself out, as most
of interest in developing novel forms of viral respiratory pathogens do. And what we see,
vaccines, but these vaccines are terrifying. The given how the numbers are emerging, is that
proposed Covid vaccine, an RNA-based vac- this disease is no worse in terms of its mortality
cine, has never been used in humans before. It’s than the quoted figures for seasonal influenza in
a terrifying concept to many of us—but here it this country. So why are we in this extraordinary
is being put into humans without proper safety situation?
testing. It’s alarming. People who have created
this problem have no answers to solve it. HG: It’s such a great question. And yet, Fauci
said recently on a newscast that he didn’t want
HG: This gives me pause. People are terrified by the population to develop herd immunity. I’m
the virus and are looking for a vaccine to help. told he said that because he doesn’t want to see
Some see the vaccine as the only hope. I take it the fallout of all the deaths such as what we’ve
you would disagree with that? heard about in Ecuador, where there are so many
people dying that they’re running out of coffins
AW: I would disagree totally. Firstly, there is and using cardboard boxes. I guess he doesn’t
the intrinsic issue of the vaccine per se. You’re want people to get out because no matter how
using a vaccine strategy that has never been strong and vibrant they seem, they may end
used before. People have tried for many years up dying, and nobody wants a lot of deaths on
to develop a vaccine to the common cold virus their watch.
(one type being coronaviruses) and have failed
repeatedly. Therefore, it seems to be an exqui- AW: Yes. I disagree with Tony Fauci on many,
sitely difficult problem to deal with. In addition, many levels. The data that are emerging from
our past experience with untried, untested vac- other countries—data are infinitely difficult to
cines that are rushed to market is not good—not interpret because definitions have been changed
good at all. This is illustrated in my new film, to suit government policy. If you want to per-
1986: The Act. Consider the swine flu vaccine in suade a population to get a vaccine—a flu vac-
the late 1970s. The problem was that the virus cine, for example—you will inflate the number
was not what the CDC said it was—it was not of flu deaths by calling any respiratory illness
the “killer swine flu” of 1917. And the vaccine leading to death an “influenza death.” Those are
was dangerous. It was rushed to market, just the circumstances in which we currently find
54 Wise Traditions FALL 2020