Page 60 - Fall2020
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I’m not trying to persuade you about which decision to make other than that’s been cultivated for many millions of years.
to get informed. It is such a big issue. If you decide to be scared and if It has served you well, so please trust your in-
you decide to buy into the narrative fed to you by Big Brother, then you stinct. Trust that little voice inside you because
will live or die accordingly. it is a key to the survival of your children and
yourself. It is an extraordinarily powerful thing.
HG: Absolutely. Now let’s speak to those who think, “No, that’s not me. People have allowed that instinct to be usurped
I’ve done my research. I know what my rights are. I want to defend my by the man in the white coat: “I’m the doctor
medical freedom.” What advice would you have for them? and I know best.” No you don’t. You absolutely
do not. Mothers know their children better than
AW: I think people need to run for office. I think people who are con- anyone. So I would particularly urge mothers to
cerned about health freedoms need to go forward. Talent needs to be trust that instinct.
identified and pushed at a state level because these decisions about vaccine
mandates, for example, currently are taken at the state level. People who Note: This Wise Traditions podcast (episode
cherish their health freedoms need to be encouraged to run for office. #239) first aired on April 27, 2020, shortly
before the release of 1986: The Act. The film
HG: Thank you for that answer. What about people in other countries? is now available for on-demand streaming,
instant download and DVD pre-order at
AW: We’re seeing a global uprising against mandatory vaccinations. I’ve
toured and filmed in Europe—Poland, Italy, France and Germany. The
feeling is very much the same there. You’re seeing the influence of the
pharmaceutical industry throughout Europe. The industry is doing the
same thing—pushing mandatory vaccination and using governments to
do it—persuading the governments through whatever means they can
to push mandatory vaccination. America is no different in many ways
from the rest of the world. I believe that if we can change things here, A NEW REASON TO BE A MEMBER
it will have a knock-on effect elsewhere. This is why America is key to
resolving this issue favorably. We have a new membership perk! We are
having monthly meetings online for members
HG: What is the release schedule for your movie? in order to educate further. We want to answer
your questions. Each month we pick a specific
topic and have a guest who is someone work-
AW: The movie became available for online streaming on May 21 (go ing closely with the Foundation. As members,
to Despite everything that’s been going on—and you can submit your questions in advance
having to finish a film remotely, which has never been done before in by email and we will ask as many as possible
this way—we were able to meet that deadline. Our intention is to launch during the hour. We send an email notice an-
nouncing the meetings which occur in the last
it on a new platform, which cannot be censored, called It is week of the month. We have room for up to
blockchain-encrypted, and it is intended to serve as a platform for this 500 at each meeting, but if you cannot attend
kind of community. It’s going to be a hybrid of Facebook, Instagram and live, you can view the recordings afterwards
YouTube. And I believe that it will be an important part of the future of either on our website or on our members-only
Facebook group.
social media.
If you need your login or password,
HG: I think so, too. There’s been a lot of censorship already of interviews let us know:
on YouTube and Vimeo. I want to ask you one final question. If listeners
could do one thing to protect or improve their health at this time, what MEMBERS-ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP
would you recommend that they do?
AW: Speaking to mothers—and I’ve said this, many times—the most
important thing you have is your maternal instinct. We are here on this If you have suggestions for topics or
earth because of maternal instinct, not because of doctors or drugs or have not been getting our email about
these events, please let us know.
vaccines. We are here because mothers know their children. They know
when they’re well, and they know when they’re ill. They have an instinct
58 Wise Traditions FALL 2020