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pathogens “the respect they deserve.” What do HG: Are you referring to what I’ve heard called We’ve now
you mean by that? “superbugs”?
entered into
AW: I’ll give you an example. We’ve now en- AW: Absolutely. This is the common parlance the same
tered into the same arena with vaccines against for bugs that are resistant to whatever medical arena with
viruses that we had with antibiotics. Indeed, interventions we might throw at them or indeed vaccines
with vaccines across the board, we’re now see- to preventions, like vaccines, that we might
ing the emergence of bacterial pertussis strains throw at them. And they have been created as against
that are resistant to the pertussis vaccine im- a direct consequence of the injudicious use of viruses that
munity, and measles strains that are resistant these things and the failure of scientists and we had with
to the immunity induced by the vaccine strain. public health officials to recognize that we cre-
We never saw this before, but in the face of ate that genetic selection pressure by the way in antibiotics.
intensive vaccination, we have pushed these which we use these interventions.
organisms to mutate. That is what we do. We
create a genetic selection pressure; they mutate HG: In other words, what we thought could
and they develop a resistance to the immunity save us, and which seemed like something of a
induced by the vaccine. So we’re seeing strains miracle cure, is now actually harming us and is
of measles emerging that are resistant to the causing a ripple effect of consequences that we
immunity created by the vaccine, whatever that might not have predicted.
is. And that is caused by vaccination. We’re
creating a potential nightmare because we are AW: That is exactly right. If you offend nature,
creating strains of these viruses to which man if you make even small changes to biological
has no immunity. And we are going to behave systems—ecosystems—nature will exact a
potentially as what is described as “the virgin huge price. It won’t always do it immediately;
soil population.” It’s like we’ve never seen this it can be delayed. You will potentially see the
infection before. That would be the worst-case consequences reaped in generations to come,
scenario. Then potentially we’re back to where but it will happen.
we started.
Our Wise Traditions podcast recently surpassed three million downloads! The podcast usually publishes one thirty-
minute episode per week, but this summer we decided to try something a little different! We posted two episodes per
week for six weeks. The second episode released had a parenting emphasis. Below are the guests and episode titles
we featured in the series.
Danny and Maura Vega: “A Fat-Fueled Family” (podcast #249)
Katie Wells: “Help for the Overwhelmed Family” (podcast #251)
Monica Ford: “Eating Healthy on a Budget” (podcast #253)
Sally Fallon Morell: “Homemade Baby Formula” (podcast #255)
Joe and Serenity Carr: “Every Bite Counts for Baby” (podcast #257)
Heng Ou: “Nourishing the Postpartum Mom” (podcast #259)
Did you miss these interviews? You can still listen and share these episodes, directly from the website!
All of the Wise Traditions podcasts appear on our website and on practically every podcast platform available, including
Apple podcasts, Google, Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music, Radio Public, tunein, Overcast and
YouTube. And once you listen, please let us know what you thought of this special summer series! There is a box on
the podcast page of our website for your feedback, or just email the office at Thanks! We’re
here to bring you content just about any way we can. (Skywriting may be next. . . stay tuned.)
FALL 2020 Wise Traditions 53