Page 50 - Fall2020
P. 50

Technology as Servant


                                              By James Kirkpatrick

                                 “There is a great future in plastics,” Mr.  WHY PLASTICS?
                              McGuire warmly explains to Dustin Hoffman’s   What is it about plastics that have made
                              Ben character in the often-quoted scene from the   them so ubiquitous in our society and so
                              iconic 1969 movie, The Graduate. Who could   sought after as a material of construction? The
                              have foreseen the accuracy of Mr. McGuire’s   main benefit that plastics bring to the table is
                              prediction from a half-century ago? Fast forward   a straightforward engineering one: plastics
                              to the present. We’ve become a society utterly   sit in a “Goldilocks Zone” in terms of their
                              wrapped in plastic, or more accurately, we’ve   strength-to-weight ratio. “Stronger than wood,
                              become a society wholly dependent on synthetic   lighter than metal,” would be the easiest way
                              materials, mostly derived from hydrocarbons   to explain this sweet spot in non-engineering
                              (oil and natural gas), of which plastic is the   terms. Furthermore, unlike wood, steel and
                              most prevalent.                           other metals, plastic is easily tailored to specific
                                 In 1970, total worldwide petrochemicals   end-use requirements, which explains the amaz-
                              demand (consumption) measured approximately   ing variety of end-use applications. Think of
                   To put     fifty million metric tonnes (MMT); today this   the intricate parts involved in a child’s (or adult
                              consumption has grown steadily to almost eight
                                                                        child’s) flying drone toy. Making this device out
                   this in    hundred MMT, a sixteen-fold increase in fifty   of wood requires hundreds of hours of a skilled
           perspective,       years or a compound annual growth rate of just   carpenter’s time; made out of metal, this device
                                                                        would be too heavy to fly on battery power
             among the        under 6 percent. Although all synthetic materi-  alone. The light weight, strength and infinite
                              als are included in this current demand figure
                 primary      of eight hundred MMT, plastics constitute the   moldability of plastics solve both of these design
                 building     bulk of synthetic material consumption. The   challenges simultaneously.
                                                                           The following list of desirable engineering
                              remainder includes synthetic fibers (such as ny-
               materials,     lon, polyester and related derivatives), solvents,  properties explains the usefulness of plastics
                   plastic    adhesives and direct-use petrochemicals.   and their widespread usage in modern society:
                                 The majority of the five hundred twenty-five
              demand is       MMT of annual plastic demand comes in one  •  Strength-to-weight ratio bridges the gap
             now about        of five compounds: low density polyethylene   between wood and metals;
             one-eighth       (LDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LL-  •  Excellent electrical properties (non-conduct-
                              DPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), poly-
                of global     propylene (PP) and polyvinyl chlorine (PVC).   •  Superior chemical resistance, especially to
                concrete          To put this in perspective, among the pri-     strong acids and bases;
                demand,       mary building materials, plastic demand is now  •  Easily tailored cosmetic properties, coloring
                              about one-eighth of global concrete demand,
                                                                           and moldability;
           one-third of       one-third of global steel and about half of global  •  Resistant to weathering and UV degrada-
       global steel and       wood demand. Given the staggering growth in   tion;

           about half of      plastics production over the past fifty years,  •  Highly suitable for mass production;
                              several fundamental questions naturally arise:  •  Generally non-toxic, inert to human contact
                   global     why do we use so much plastic, what did plas-     and consumption, although this is still a
                    wood      tic replace in our daily lives before the 1960s   matter of some scientific debate.

                              and what makes plastics so challenging from a
               demand.        disposal and recycling perspective?          These advantages are offset by several
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