Page 48 - Fall2020
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In had a menstrual cramp again! The bleeding over more than twenty-five years. A decade and
homeopathy, also was much reduced, and there were no more a half later, in 2017, a study published in The
clots. How a homeopathic remedy would know Lancet linked daily low doses of aspirin to as
a remedy the time of day is a complete mystery to me, but many as twenty thousand bleeds annually in the
called China such is the enigma of homeopathy. UK, of which at least three thousand were fatal.
officinalis, Belladonna is not a remedy for cramps per Aspirin in low doses is commonly recom-
se, or for bleeding or anemia, but for the whole mended to older adults to help prevent strokes
made from state of a person. It is most famous as a remedy and heart attacks. Roughly 40 to 60 percent of
the bark of for sudden, intense fevers in children, but any adults aged seventy-five or older in the U.S. and
the cinchona time one is confronted with a sudden, intense, Europe take daily aspirin or other antiplatelet
painful or acute situation, especially if worse drugs for these reasons. Questioning this ap-
tree, is often at 3:00 am or pm, Belladonna should come to proach, the authors of the 2017 Lancet study
used for mind. emphasized that aspirin risks increase sharply
anemia and with age, with those over seventy-five being
GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING precisely those at highest risk. In fact, studies
weakness AND ANEMIA show that “people taking aspirin [have] worse
caused by Blood loss from any cause can lead to outcomes and a higher risk of having a heart
chronic anemia. Years ago, a friend of mine landed in attack than those not taking aspirin”—the op-
a hospital needing a blood transfusion due to posite of what doctors tell patients. Stating that
blood loss. low-grade gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding caused “At age 75 years or older, major upper gastroin-
by the regular consumption of low-dose aspirin. testinal bleeds [are] mostly disabling or fatal,”
After becoming weaker and weaker, he finally the Lancet authors suggest that seniors should
admitted himself to the ER, where he was diag- be on aspirin only if also given a proton-pump
nosed and subsequently revived. He had appar- inhibitor (which, of course, will create a host of
ently been close to dying from anemia caused other issues, but such is allopathic medicine).
by this slow bleed. Evidence suggests that this is In homeopathy, a remedy called China of-
not an uncommon aspirin-related outcome. Even ficinalis, made from the bark of the cinchona
doses that are ten to twenty times lower than are tree, is often used for anemia and weakness
needed for pain relief have been found to lead to caused by chronic blood loss. The bark of the
GI bleeding and anemia. In 2000, the associa- cinchona tree also gave us quinine, famously
tion of GI bleeding with relatively low doses of used for centuries for malaria and a close rela-
aspirin was confirmed in a meta-analysis that tive of hydroxychloroquine, now embroiled in
examined twenty-four different studies con- controversy about whether or not it is helpful in
ducted with almost sixty-six thousand subjects the treatment of Covid-19. Interestingly, severe
• Ferrum metallicum: A homeopathic preparation of iron.
• Ferrum phosphoricum: As a tissue salt, used to improve iron absorption and use.
• China officinalis: One of the best homeopathic remedies for anemia caused by excessive bleeding,
especially low-grade, chronic bleeds.
• Natrum muriaticum: A homeopathic remedy often used for ailments from grief. Grief and loss can impair
nutrient absorption.
• Kali phosphoricum: Another very useful tissue salt. Supports the nervous system and is helpful for
anemia linked to malabsorption due to prolonged stress and worry.
• Nitricum acidum: May be useful for anemic subjects who have a desire to eat dirt, chalk and paper, a
condition also known as pica.
46 Wise Traditions FALL 2020