Page 44 - Fall2020
P. 44

Modern       can quickly eat. A root cellar gives you a place  You will have to decide on the balance that you
           preservation       to store the bounty for use when those items go  wish to strike between preparedness, nutrition
                              out of season and are no longer locally avail-
                                                                       and the stability and accessibility of your food
             techniques  able. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squashes,  supply when choosing among the various ways
                generally     carrots and apples are some of the vegetables  to preserve and put up food.
             reduce the       and fruits that root-cellar well, and there are
                              many others. As an added bonus, root cellaring  CONNECT WITH
              nutritional  preserves far more nutritional value than food  LOCAL FOOD SUPPLIERS
         value of foods       preservation methods such as canning. In our   Few of us can grow all our own food, but all
              (or certain     experience, root cellars also involve consider-  of us can obtain more of our food from local and
                              ably less work than canning. Root Cellaring by  regional suppliers outside the mainstream food
               nutrients)  Mike and Nancy Bubel is a great book to have if  system. As a silver lining to this year’s events,
          but are more        you want to learn the skills needed to store more  the options for supporting local and regional

               foolproof      food without expensive modern equipment. 7  foods are increasing, at least in some areas.
                                                                           Some options include farmers markets, food
             in terms of  PRESERVE FOOD                                buying clubs and other cooperative efforts. In
            success and          Traditional cultures mainly used dehydra-  addition, changes in technology now allow local

               long-term      tion, fermentation or curing to preserve foods.  farmers to sell directly to communities in ways
                              These methods generally kept—or sometimes  that were impossible or cost-prohibitive just a
          shelf stability.  improved—the food’s nutritional value but also  decade ago. As a result, we are witnessing a
                              had some significant drawbacks. For instance,  surge in local farmers doing drops and deliver-
                              dehydration (before vacuum sealing) meant that  ies, offering choices such as meat and vegetable
                              foods had to be rendered very, very dry. Cur-  CSAs and weekly, bimonthly or monthly de-
                              ing often used so much salt that meat needed  liveries. Remember, though, that farmers need
                              repeated washings before cooking to remove the  consumers not only to make the switch but to
                              excess salt. And even with these methods, the  commit to these options on a long-term basis.
                              historical literature is replete with discussions
                              of food loss and stories about how bad years  USE A GRAIN MILL
                              or failed storage led to significant problems or   Modern store-bought bread is usually a
                              even catastrophes for communities, regions or  bane to one’s health, but for home bakers who
                              countries.                               rely on flour and yeast, current shortages have
                                 Modern preservation techniques generally  made baking harder to undertake. However,
                              reduce the nutritional value of foods (or certain  while flour remains hard to come by in some
                              nutrients) but are more foolproof in terms of  stores and through some distributors, at no time
                              success and long-term shelf stability. Canned  during the past three months have whole grains
                              foods, for example, can keep for years—but at  been hard to get. Now is a good time, therefore,
                              the cost of lost nutrition. Freezing makes you  to consider the many advantages of using a grain
                              grid-dependent and also causes the loss of key  mill to grind your own grain into flour. Having a
                              nutrients in certain food groups (such as folate  grain mill will separate you from the 95 percent
                              in vegetables). Canning and vacuum sealing  (or more) of the population who know how to
                              expose our food (and therefore us) to plastics  bake with only already-processed flour.
                              and the chemicals used in their production.   Grinding your own grain saves you money

                                   CHEST FREEZERS: AN EASY WAY TO STORE MORE FOOD
              For meat and similar items, there is no better option than a chest freezer, given the trade-offs between cost, nutri-
          tion and other factors. We prefer chest freezers to upright freezers for two reasons. First, they are far less expensive to
          run, clocking in at about one-third to one-half of the expense of an upright freezer per month. Second, if the door is left
          slightly ajar, it is almost always just an inconvenience rather than a catastrophe—a big consideration if you have many
          kids getting things from them! Also, if the power goes out, chest freezers stay colder far longer than uprights, so when
          things go wrong, they cause far less stress.
         42                                       Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2020
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