Page 47 - Fall2020
P. 47

Homeopathy Journal
                                      Homeopathy Journal

                                            HOMEOPATHY AND ANEMIA
                                   By Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH, RSHom (NA)
                                          By Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH

               Anemia is a familiar subject to many mem-  deficiency anemia, especially if the menstrual   Belladonna is
            bers of the female population.            flow is heavy.                           not a remedy
               I remember regularly feeling so tired and   Back in the days of attending naturopathic
            drowsy when driving a car in my much younger  college, I was racked by heavy periods with   for cramps
            years that I’d have to pull over, exit the car and  large clots and severe menstrual cramps, which   per se, or for
            run around it a couple of times, or even take  I valiantly tried to treat using my newfound   bleeding or
            a short nap before finishing the trip. This was  knowledge of homeopathy. A number of rem-
            a regular occurrence until blood tests showed  edies worked temporarily, but the cramps, bleed-  anemia, but
            severe, chronic anemia with a ferritin level be-  ing and clots would return after a short reprieve.   for the whole
            low 5. A normal level in adult females before   Fast-forward to final exams in my post-  state of a
            menopause is 10-120 ng/ml. Quite the range,  graduate training course in homeopathy when
            right? Little did I know back then that 100 ng/  I was around thirty-three years old. Right in   person.
            ml is ideal. If your ferritin levels are only at 12  the middle of the several-hour-long examina-
            or 15, your doctor may not see a reason to alert  tion, the vile menstrual cramps hit suddenly. I
            you to the relatively low levels, and you will  was doubled over in labor-pain-voltage agony
            suffer as a result.                       within minutes. There was no way I could fin-
               Anemia is defined as a decrease in the total  ish the exam. I timidly approached our teacher,
            amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the  Dr. Andre Saine, ND, and told him about my
            blood (the iron-containing molecules in our  condition. Amazingly, this incredible doctor had
            red blood cells that carry oxygen) or a lowered  a full acute homeopathic remedy kit with him
            ability of the blood to carry oxygen for another  in the hotel where we were taking the exam.
            reason. Because all human cells require oxygen   I told him my symptoms. He quickly
            to function, low oxygen levels due to anemia  glanced at his watch, unfurled his extensive kit
            will cause weakness, fatigue and drowsiness.   and proceeded to pop two pellets of a mystery
               There are various causes for anemia, with  remedy under my tongue. Three minutes later,
            the most common being iron deficiency. Iron is  all the pain was gone! What would normally
            essential for human, animal and plant organisms  have been the onset of two days of torture was
            and required for the formation of hemoglobin in  all over in a few minutes, and I went back to
            humans and chlorophyll in plants. (If your plants  writing the exam as if nothing had happened.
            look wilted with a pale or sickly yellow color,   The remedy was Belladonna, a homeo-
            they may be iron-deficient.) Iron is needed for  pathic preparation of deadly nightshade. Andre
            all the respiratory and oxygen-related processes  had checked his watch for the time. As it turns
            of living tissue. The body of an adult weighing  out, Belladonna is known for addressing ag-
            seventy kilos (roughly one hundred fifty pounds)  gravations that occur at 3:00 pm and, to a lesser
            contains about 4.2 grams of iron, a tiny but non-  extent, 3:00 am. From then on, I carried a little
            negotiable amount. About 70 percent of this iron  vial of Belladonna 30C in my purse. The next
            is bound in hemoglobin.                   month, almost to the minute at 3:00 pm, the
                                                      cramps hit suddenly again and, as previously,
            ANEMIA AND MENSTRUATION                   were vanquished by the little remedy within
               In women of childbearing age, monthly  minutes. The same routine took place during the
            menstruation is the usual culprit for iron-  following three months, and after that I never

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