Page 78 - Fall2020
P. 78

Deisher states,       was recorded on video falsely claiming that   To illustrate the autoimmune capability of
         “Anyone who          vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells,  even tiny amounts of DNA residue, Deisher’s
                              and he also insists that vaccines do not contain  letter explains how fetal DNA sets a pregnant
           says that the      mercury.  (Information on the CDC’s website  mother’s labor into motion: “[L]abor is trig-
              fetal DNA       shows that both of Pan’s claims are blatantly  gered by fetal DNA from the baby that builds
         contaminating        false. 34,35 )                            up in the mother’s bloodstream, triggering a
                                                                        massive immune rejection of the baby. This is
           our vaccines       DNA CONTAMINATION                         labor.” But whereas labor is a “naturally desired
             is harmless         In addition to ethical concerns, there are  autoimmune reaction,” the same cannot be said
             either does      serious health ramifications associated with  of the childhood autoimmunity that alarm-
                              using aborted fetal cell lines to make vaccines  ingly can result from injection with fetal-cell-
               not know       because every single vaccine produced in this  manufactured vaccines. Deisher states, “Anyone
                anything      manner contains DNA contaminants. According  who says that the fetal DNA contaminating

                    about     to the biomedical research entity Sound Choice  our vaccines is harmless either does not know
                              Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), a total of twen-
                                                                        anything about immunity and toll-like recep-
               immunity       ty-four vaccines are produced using cells from  tors or they are not telling the truth.” Deisher
            and toll-like     aborted fetuses and/or contain DNA, proteins or  also firmly reiterates, “If fetal DNA can trigger

               receptors      related cellular debris from cell cultures derived  labor. . . then those same levels in vaccines can
                              from aborted human fetuses.  Ten of these  trigger autoimmunity in a child,” concluding
             or they are      vaccines are regularly used in America.  Vac-  that “This is direct biological evidence that
              not telling     cines identify these sources of human proteins  fetal DNA contaminants in vaccines are not in
              the truth.”     as human albumin derived from human blood  low innocuous amounts” but are “a very strong
                              or genetically engineered human albumin made  proinflammatory trigger.”
                              from yeast, but vaccine package inserts do not   In her letter, Dr. Deisher writes that inject-
                              contain any information about where the human  ing children with human fetal DNA contami-
                              blood is obtained. In addition to vaccines, there  nants not only runs the risk of causing the im-
                              are currently three FDA-approved recombinant  mune system of genetically susceptible children
                              drugs (with up to eighty-five more coming soon)  to attack their own body, leading to autoimmune
                              that are produced using human fetal cell lines  disease, but also introduces the frightening po-
                              or proteins.                              tential for “insertional mutagenesis,” because
                                 Dr. Theresa Deisher is the founder and lead  the fetal DNA contaminants are the “perfect
                              scientist at SCPI, whose mission is “to educate  size” to incorporate into a child’s own DNA and
                              the public about vaccine safety, as well as to  cause mutations.  Deisher cites gene therapy
                              pressure manufacturers to provide better and  experiments in mice which demonstrated that
                              safer vaccines.”  Deisher obtained her PhD in  very low levels of DNA fragments resulted in
                              molecular and cellular physiology from Stanford  insertional mutagenesis in 100 percent of the
                              University and has spent over twenty years in  mice injected. The levels of human fetal DNA
                              commercial biotechnology.                 fragments to which children are exposed from
                                 In an April 2019 “open letter to legislators  the MMR-II as well as vaccines for chickenpox
                              regarding fetal cell DNA in vaccines,” Deisher  and hepatitis A are far higher than the low levels
                              describes the problem of DNA contaminants  that produced these results in mice.
                              in Merck’s MMR-II vaccine, reporting that its   A third concern identified by Deisher is
                              production process results in a vaccine that is  retrovirus contamination. Deisher cites a ret-
                              heavily contaminated with human fetal cell  rovirus called human endogenous retrovirus K
                              DNA. Her studies have revealed that the levels  (HERVK) as a known contaminant in the MMR
                              of fetal DNA in MMR-vaccinated children have  vaccine, while pointing to research showing
                              the potential to incite autoimmunity in suscep-  HERVK’s potential to be “reactivated” in hu-
                              tible children through overactivation of toll-like  mans 39,40  and its association with autoimmune
                              receptors (receptors that play a key role in the  disease. 41,42  She also notes that HERVK is in
                              innate immune system). 38                 the same family as another retrovirus used in a
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