Page 73 - Fall2020
P. 73

Tim’s DVD Reviews

            making safer, better products? No. In 1986, the  The Science and History of Masks in Medicine
            industry was granted immunity from lawsuits.  Shawn Stevenson
            Pharmaceutical companies are not liable for any
            adverse effects of their vaccines. If they really
            cared about your health, why would they cam-  In 2020, I have heard more grumbling about
            paign for that? Why would Congress go along  people not being scientific than ever before. It
            with something this outrageous? Big pharma  is certainly true that there are a large number
            must have a pretty good lobby.            of people out there who know nothing about
               This film goes into details, naming agen-  science. I’m pretty sure most of the ones who
            cies and players who stand to profit from the  complain the loudest have not themselves ever
            coronavirus. Many would toss this film into  looked at a scientific study. I personally don’t
            the trash bin of “conspiracy theories,” which  claim to be a scientist, but as I write this I have
            we have all been programmed to casually dis-  on my desk a stack of studies from various
            regard with no further or deeper thought. “Just  sources on mask effectiveness, and I have read
            go along with the herd.” “The herd is always  them. This video looks at a wide range of studies
            right.” Don’t listen to that little voice in your  done by many different agencies and people in
            head that asks, “Are there really no conspiracies  the U.S., Europe and China. It covers the time
            at all anywhere?”                         period from when surgical masks were first used
               There is one big question that this film does  to studies done in the last ten years.
            not ask. Where is the proof that a virus named   Most of these studies looked at hospital
            SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of this new illness  operating room settings and compared infection
            called Covid-19? I think most will agree that  rates where masks were used to infection rates
            there is a new illness out there that can be very  where masks were not used. A large metastudy
            serious, but that very important question about  from Cochrane—considered the gold standard
            causation seems only to lead to more censorship,  in evaluating large amounts of research—con-
            demonization and religious intolerance. The  cluded there was no difference. Numerous other
            American legal system recognizes that until  studies are covered in the video. The conclu-
            you hear all sides of a dispute, you cannot know  sions range from masks making no difference
            what is going on. Doesn’t that question deserve  to masks actually being slightly worse than
            a straight answer? Is this not important enough  useless. And this is in professional settings with  These studies

            for all sides to get a fair hearing?      people who theoretically know what they are   show that
               The film wraps up by suggesting that our  doing. Can we expect any better results with   masks reduce
            most pervasive health problems may be caused  the general public?
            by the replacement of real food with factory   These studies show that masks reduce air  air volume
            products, the replacement of natural cures with  volume in and out of the lungs by 25 percent.   in and out of
            harmful drugs and the replacement of love and  Carbon dioxide levels go up, and brain func-  the lungs by
            community with fear and isolation. Those who  tion  goes  down.  If  you  are  having  trouble
            disagree with these conclusions are not doing  understanding this, try taking off your mask.  25 percent.
            themselves any favors by censoring, shaming,  A Chinese study done in 2017 showed that   Carbon
            demonizing and outlawing anyone who dis-  wearing the popular N95 masks correlated to   dioxide levels
            agrees with them. The thumb is UP.        higher infection rates than in the control group.
                                                         When I walk into Home Depot or other  go up, and
                                                      stores, I often see a sign saying that customers   brain function
                                                      will not be let in unless they are wearing a mask.
                                                      They add that cloth masks are OK. I appreciate   goes down.

            FALL 2020                                Wise Traditions                                                   71
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78