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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              The Complete Cooking Techniques          ishing soups and gradually adding foods like
                              for the GAPS Diet                        egg yolks, ghee, avocado, nut-flour pancakes
                              By Monica Corrado                        and baked goods, and some raw vegetables
                              Selene River Press                       and fruits. Though choices are limited, there is
                                                                       plenty to eat. However Corrado cautions that it
                                 When it comes to healing and food, if any-  can take anywhere from a few weeks to a full
                              body can make a daunting, challenging situation  year to complete this phase, depending on the
                              a whole lot easier, it’s Monica Corrado. In this  severity of symptoms.
                              lengthy eleven-part book, she has combined   Section 4 details the full GAPS diet, which
                              information from her previous books with up-to-  could last a couple of years. This is highly
                              date information about the Gut and Psychology  individual; some people do so well that they
                              Syndrome (GAPS) and the stages of healing.   continue eating this way for life. In full GAPS,
                                 Corrado begins with a clear explanation of  one may add a few legumes and various nour-
                              GAPS and why so many people are facing such  ishing foods, although the majority of legumes,
                              confusing and frightening symptoms. The first  all grains, starchy and fibrous vegetables and
                              three sections cover the symptoms, diseases and  processed oils are off-limits. Cultured dairy,
                              malnutrition associated with a damaged small  properly prepared nuts and seeds, raw honey,
                              intestine. The message is clear: “Heal the small  satisfying fats and stocks along with a large
                              intestine, heal the symptoms.” To accomplish  variety of vegetables and meats are all allowed.
                              this, you must follow the steps outlined, realiz-  Section 5 focuses on the transition diet,
                              ing that healing takes time and occurs in stages.  which again can take time to integrate fully.
                              Steps include removing offending foods, starv-  It is important to listen to our bodies and
                              ing pathogenic bacteria, “healing and sealing”  symptoms—they are our guide. One makes the
                              the gut and rebuilding the microbiome. This is  transition gradually, adding small amounts of
          The message         accomplished with deeply nourishing, easily di-  properly prepared grains and starchy vegetables,
         is clear: “Heal      gested and assimilated, anti-inflammatory foods.  always monitoring symptoms. The successful
                                 Corrado carefully outlines the introductory  introduction of these foods without symptoms,
                the small     and full GAPS phases as well as a post-GAPS  means you have officially made the transition.
               intestine,     transition phase. With few exceptions, the intro-  While diet is the most significant compo-
                 heal the     ductory phase is critical for healing and sealing  nent of the GAPS protocol, Sections 6 and 7
                              the gut lining. Corrado lays the introductory diet  cover healing with probiotics, essential fatty
            symptoms.”        out in six stages, beginning with stocks and nour-  acids and enzymes. Here Corrado also teaches

                              Beyond Labels, Continued from page 63.   historically normal food.”
                              There is a ton of discussion to help people not   In a sea of books about the food system,
                              be duped by labels and the rest of the labyrinth  what sets this one apart is how very practical
                              of lies that make up the modern food system  it seeks to be. What do you want your food,
                              and its often misleading marketing and claims.  your health and your world to look like? What
                              All of this flows naturally, and it is hoped will  changes are you making so that daily life be-
                              have a gentle impact on readers who are trying  gins to match that vision? The book seems well
                              to make progress. The authors also mention Sally  positioned to furnish not just information but
                              Fallon Morell, with Salatin speaking about how  also motivation and direction to those wanting
                              he loves her term “the diet dictocrats” because  to move toward real, traditional, local, nutrient-
                              it “captures marvelously the elitist, tyranni-  dense foods. Two thumbs up.
                              cal persona of experts who dare to impugn                       Review by John Moody
         66                                       Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2020
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