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Tim’s DVD Reviews
Plandemic: Indoctornation Willis goes on to ask some awkward ques-
Directed by Mikki Willis tions. It is illegal to patent nature. You cannot patent any natural life form or object, whether it
be a blade of grass, a germ, a virus, the Rock of
Event 201 was a pandemic exercise hosted Gibraltar or a duck-billed platypus. How did the
by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Secu- CDC get away with obtaining an illegal patent?
rity in partnership with the World Economic Another question: Why would the CDC want
Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Founda- to patent a virus? It is hard to come up with an
tion. The exercise explored the then-fictitious answer that sounds good. If it is because they
scenario of a SARS-like, highly contagious want to study how to treat it, and if it is a major
virus spreading around the world and killing threat to world health, would it not be better to
millions. Symptoms ranged from mild flu-like open it up to the world rather than confine it to
symptoms to severe pneumonia. The high- just CDC resources? And what will they patent
profile exercise participants “speculated” that next? Water? You can’t get a drink unless you
the pandemic might start by a virus spreading pay a fee to the CDC?
from bats to pigs to humans. They predicted that There has been much speculation that at
governments around the world would react in a least some coronaviruses were created in the lab
dictatorial manner, imposing draconian restric- and are not natural. If that is the case, why did
tions and arresting any who did not comply. Of those responsible do that? An artificially created
course there would be protests. Event 201 was virus would have to be substantially different
conducted in October 2019. from a natural virus to qualify for a patent, but
Within months, this hypothetical exercise that would make it useless for studying ways to
transformed into cold reality. What a coinci- cure natural viruses. The only answer anyone
dence! Many of the details of this exercise have seems to have thought of so far is because they
played out exactly as predicted. Mikki Willis wanted to weaponize it. One small problem
looks at this and other evidence which indicates there—that is highly illegal under U.S. law and
that the events of 2020 have not happened ran- international treaty.
domly or by chance. Plandemic presents a lot of evidence indi-
One of the strange activities highlighted cating that our health overlords are not as pure
in this video surrounds U.S. patent number as the driven snow. Why don’t we hear about this
US7220852B1. In 2004, the U.S. Centers for in the mainstream news? Could it be because all
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) applied of these agencies and operators are part of the
for a patent for a coronavirus isolated from hu- vast big pharma syndicate, which generously
Why would mans (SARS-CoV). The patent covers “genome provides around 80 percent of news media ad-
the CDC and. . . amino acid sequences of the SARS-CoV vertising revenue? The news media will not bite
want to open reading frames, as well as methods of the hand that feeds them.
using these molecules to detect a SARS-CoV
What about government regulators and
patent a and detect infections therewith.” This infor- authorities? Perhaps they are too busy listening
virus? It is mation appeared in the film, but I copied that to the big pharma lobby, which spends almost
hard to come last sentence from the patent itself. I did a little twice as much as any other industry lobby. Back
in 1986, the vaccine industry was on the brink of
homework and found it at
up with an patent/US7220852B1/en. So I know Willis isn’t bankruptcy because of all the damage vaccines
answer that just making this stuff up. To be clear, this is not had done. Now Bill Gates describes vaccines
sounds good. the same coronavirus that we are dealing with as one of the best investments he ever made.
in 2020.
What changed? Did the industry suddenly start
70 Wise Traditions FALL 2020