Page 47 - SG2021
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Dairy Connection dairy cultures (608-242-9030)
Danisco dairy cultures
Desert Oasis Farm milk and water kefir grains, kombucha
and jun cultures (602-309-9090)
Dom’s Kefir In-Site starter cultures
Dr. Mercola kinetic culture vegetable starter (877-985-2695)
Fermented Farmacy kombucha brewing kits
Free exchange (
Fruit of the Vine Naturally (
Garrick’s sourdough starter (
GEM Cultures bread, soy, kombucha and dairy cultures
(253-588-2922) kombucha cultures (888-542-4448)
Glengarry Cheesemaking and Dairy Supply Ltd. dairy cultures
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. sourdough starters
Happy Herbalist (888-425-8827)
Homesteader’s Supply yogurt culture (928-583-0254)
Immunitrition kefir and culture starters (877-773-9229)
King Arthur classic fresh sourdough starter (800-827-6836)
Kombucha Kamp kombucha and jun cultures, milk and
water kefir grains (424-245-5867)
Live Superfoods kefir and culture starters (800-481-5074)
Marilyn Jarzembski milk and water kefir grains, kombucha
cultures (419-237-3095)
Meadow Ridge Farm kombucha mushrooms (717-530-5999)
Miller’s Bio Farm kombucha mushroom kits, kefir grains
Miller’s Organic Farm kombucha mushrooms, kefir grains
Mitoku koji and natto starter spores (800-324-1878)
Moonwise Herbs piima, kefir and sourdough cultures
Natren yogurt starter (866-462-8736)
New England Cheesemaking Supply dairy cultures
Nick’s Natural Nook (
Oregon Kombucha kombucha starter kits (503-477-4601)
Oregon Trail sourdough starter (
Organic Cultures (231-360-7043)
Pure Indian Foods vegetable starter culture (877-588-4433)
Rhapsody Natural Foods koji starter cultures (802-563-2172)
Selina Naturally kefir and culture starters (800-867-7258)
Snowville Creamery kefir grains (740-698-2340)
The CheeseMaker dairy cultures (414-745-5483)
The Family Cow kombucha mushrooms, kefir grains
The Kombucha Shop kombucha cultures and kits
Tibetan Temple Kombucha kombucha and jun scobies, and
kits (
Tribest Yolife yogurt starter (888-254-7336)
Wildly Organic dairy cultures, cultured vegetable starter